Wowza Community

Processing of video stream with Python?

I’m looking to process the stream using Python and was wondering if there were any recommendations on how to receive the stream and do that processing?

Welcome to the forums @Dave_Johansen. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wowza does not have any official documentation or wrappers using Python and there are no plans to provide that. I can tell you there are some on GitHub, but these have absolutely no association with Wowza and have been built by third parties. So as an official disclaimer: We would not be able to offer any technical support if you try to use them.

Having said that, here are a couple of links to those and I suspect more can be found on GitHub and StackOverflow. Also, use the search bar above for forums and type in Python- there are several posts from developers in our community discussing some code they’ve built integrating Python with Wowza.

That looks like a wrapper around the REST API and while that’s helpful, I was more looking for a Python client for receiving the video stream and corresponding metadata so that the video could be processed using Python code. Is there any recommendation (even if it’s “unofficial”) for that?