Wowza Community

WebRTC latency limit

What is the lowest latency that Wowza Streaming Cloud can provide for WebRTC stream? As I know, when you check reduced latency checkbox or set low_latency to true with REST API, it will set the latency to 5-6 seconds, but is there a way to make it 1-2 seconds?

Great question @Bohdan Klochko! The answer is no you cannot get it to 1 -2 seconds because Wowza Cloud is converting the WebRTC to HLS and for HLS playback, it requires at least 3 segments for playback. We can reduce each video chunk or segment to 2 seconds, but again since a player needs 3 segments, that still gives you about 6 seconds of latency.

With Wowza Streaming Engine, we support WebRTC ingest and WebRTC playback and that is where you’ll see sub-one second latency.

But, in Streaming Cloud, we ingest WebRTC and tranxmux it to HLS so you can scale and deliver your stream to a greater audience.

Cloud does not yet offer WebRTC playback- just the ingest.


We have implemented webRTC ingest and webRTC player using – on wowza cloud. The latency we see is 5-6 seconds. Is this expected? (stream id: m3j0dfpv)


We have implemented webRTC ingest and webRTC player using – on wowza cloud. The latency we see is 5-6 seconds. Is this expected? (stream id: m3j0dfpv)