Wowza Community

HTML5 video ended event doesn't fire on Wowza


I have problem with firing ended event on Wowza media server.

I have HTML5 video tag and everything works fie except when video is on end ended event doesn’t fire.

This is how I binf eded event on my player (with jQuery):

$("#videoTag").bind(“ended”, function() {

alert(“I’m done!”);


It makes all much strange when I play normal mp4 file event is fired, but when play file from wowza server even’t doesn’t fire.

Any ideas?

I’m not sure about the jQuery method. But I have tested onend in a video tag like this:


$("#videoTag").bind("onended", function() {
alert("I'm done!");


I just don’t know about JQuery. But if you add the events to the video tag, it works.

<video src="" controls onended="end(event)" id="video1">


Thank’s for your replay but it didn’t solve my problem. Code on example also didn’t fire end event. Did you tried and it works?

It looks that other developers found this problem as well :

I hope we will find solotion to this problem asap because now we have limitation for using html5 functionality.
