Wowza Community

PushPublish: hostname can't be null

ERROR server comment 2012-05-02 10:47:24 - - - - - 218.003 - - - - - - - - PushPublisher.internalConnect[rtmp://null:0/null/definst/null]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: hostname can’t be null

When using the PushPublish package I sometimes get the above error. All of my streams continue to publish, however this error floods my logs very quickly. I am using the following code: Since it is sporadic I believe it to be a race condition between threads. I tried moving my config reading method inside of the synchronized block but that did not help.

Wowza Version: 3.1.0

PushPublish manifest:

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.1

Created-By: 1.5.0_22-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Build-Timestamp: 2012-24-01 14:17:21

Specification-Title: WowzaMediaServer-PluginPushPublish



Implementation-Title: WowzaMediaServer-PluginPushPublish



This is probably a problem in your code, not a Wowza issue.


This is probably a problem in your code, not a Wowza issue.


This error is being logged by your plugin and the stream is still publishing. Why would the stream continue to work if our code was broken?

Hi bmckim,

I see in your code there are a lot of good logging statements, which should come in handy.

A google search for your error results in only this thread. It could be an issue with the PushPublish module, but it seems to be one unique to your case. In your code you have some logger statements identifying the application and stream name: “PushPublisherRTMP: APPLICATION NAME” etc…

Are you able to identify the application/stream from those statements that correspond with the error?

Perhaps seeing the complete output of your module’s logging when the error occurs, would help narrow down the problem.

Right now I only log onPublish which is when the stream first starts up and that looks fine. Is there a method I can use to log every time new data comes in and it tries to publish?

Right now I only log onPublish which is when the stream first starts up and that looks fine. Is there a method I can use to log every time new data comes in and it tries to publish?

Thank you both for your help. We identified the problem and pushed an update to our code.

Hi bmckim,

I see in your code there are a lot of good logging statements, which should come in handy.

A google search for your error results in only this thread. It could be an issue with the PushPublish module, but it seems to be one unique to your case. In your code you have some logger statements identifying the application and stream name: “PushPublisherRTMP: APPLICATION NAME” etc…

Are you able to identify the application/stream from those statements that correspond with the error?

Perhaps seeing the complete output of your module’s logging when the error occurs, would help narrow down the problem.