Wowza Community

SecureToken between client & server

Hello All,

I need your help which i didnt success since yesterday to implement this option :slight_smile: I am trying to do client-server auth with SecureToken hashing but I am always getting 403 acces denied error. I referenced below link but didnt success

ApplicationName = LiveStream

StreamName = myStream

Hash Prefix= live

in which algortihm what should i hash ? Please help me if you have any solution on this issue for better understanding.


Once you’ve configured your Secure Token settings in Wowza Streaming Engine then you need to generate your hash on the client. As an example using PHP to create a hash to play sample.mp4 in the vod application

Set some variables:


$clientIP = “null”; // specify an IP address if set in Secure Token in Engine

$host = “wowza-ip”; // your ip/host

$url= “rtmp://”.$host.":1935/"; // this is an example for RTMP streams

$stream = “vod/definst/mp4:sample.mp4”; // your stream

$start = time(); // token is valid from time of hash generation

$end = strtotime("+30 minutes"); // token will expire in 30 minutes

$secret = “abcde”; // secret as defined in Engine

$tokenName = “wowzatoken”; // token as defined in Engine


Calculate the hash (using sha384 or change to what is set in Wowza)


$hash = “”;


$hash = hash(‘sha384’, $stream."?".$secret."&{$tokenName}endtime=".$end."&{$tokenName}starttime=".$start, true); // generate the hash string


else {

$hash = hash(‘sha384’, $stream."?".$clientIP."&".$secret."&{$tokenName}endtime=".$end."&{$tokenName}starttime=".$start, true); // generate the hash string


$base64Hash = strtr(base64_encode($hash), ‘+/’, ‘-_’); $params = array("{$tokenName}starttime=".$start, “{$tokenName}endtime=”.$end, “{$tokenName}hash=”.$base64Hash);


$params[] = $clientIP;


sort($params); $URL = $url.$stream."/playlist.m3u8?"; // determine if HLS or RTMP depending on $url


$playbackURL = $url.$stream."?";


foreach($params as $entry){

$playbackURL.= $entry."&";


$URL = preg_replace("/(&)$/","", $playbackURL);


This will create a $URL line similar to this:


you should then be able to test playback, or extend the script to include a player, e.g. JWPlayer etc.
