Wowza Community

Stream Alias Access Denied

I’m using ElasticFox to start up a series of instances for the purpose of streaming videos off my S3 bucket. I’ve found the vods3 application and with the default start up of an instance (ami-47daf133) I’m able to use the example client “SimpleVideoStreaming” to start a stream. This works and I successfully start a stream off my S3 bucket.

I’m wanting to change some of the properties on the Application.xml so I downloaded the default start up package from

Having made my changes I tried starting a new instance from ElasticFox again using the “Open Binary File” to select the .zip file I just created. The instance starts and I’m able to test the vods3 application with my browser via “http://[ami id]:1935/vods3”.

However when I switch back to “SimpleVideoStreaming” I get the error message “Stream Alias Access Denied”. I’ve retraced my steps and have even gone so far as to download a fresh copy of the “” and created a new instance without opening/resaving/changing the start up zip and still I get the same message.

Any ideas? I’m using ElasticFox, have used WinZip to create my start up packages. I’ve looked on the forum but I’ve found no mention of Access Denied in relation to Stream Alias.

You mention (correct), then you mention (not correct for Wowza 2). Make sure you didn’t use on the Wowza Server 2 ami.

In any case, StreamNameAlias shouldn’t be installed in the SimpleVideoStreaming application.

If you send your modified startup package to I’ll take a look.


I think I must have been tired - I’d downloaded the but then it seems I was using a mixture of old with new files. Thanks for the reply, helped me see sense.