Wowza Community

H264 live stream recording

I’m trying to record live video stream using server side module, that you provide.

Also I’m using a new flash player feature to encode stream in H264, baseline profile, level 2. I’m streaming audio and video.

On server side I have 2 modules: LiveStreamRecorderMP4 and LiveStreamRecorderFLV.

I need to record video 960x720, that my webcam support. If i use LiveStreamRecorderFLV - video quality is really bad.

When I use LiveStreamRecorderMP4 video quality is great! BUT the problem is that i can’t record audio, because it’s encoded with Speex audio codec, that’s not supported by LiveStreamRecorderMP4.

This is an example, that was recorded with LiveStreamRecorderMP4 without audio. - no audio

Here is AS3 code:

var h264options:H264VideoStreamSettings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
h264options.setProfileLevel(H264Profile.BASELINE, H264Level.LEVEL_2);
outgoingStream_video.videoStreamSettings = h264options;

To record audio I created a new NetStream and I do server side recording with LiveStreamRecorderFLV. So AS3 code is:

var h264options:H264VideoStreamSettings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
h264options.setProfileLevel(H264Profile.BASELINE, H264Level.LEVEL_2);
outgoingStream_video.videoStreamSettings = h264options;
outgoingStream_audio.publish(streamName + "_audio");

But in this case video quality became really bad, just look:

FPS is about 10!!!

What’s the problem? Why when I publish another stream from flash, video quality reduces?

Can you suggest me a solution?


You will have to set the audio to Speex in the Flash, then transcode to AAC to record to quicktime container:


Richard, thanks for your answer.

I’ve tried some other options, but none of them produced good results, so we wanna try Wowza transcoder.

What the easiest way for us developers to try this option? May be there is trial version of transcoder or limited version? We already have developer edition of Wowza 3.

The dev license includes all the Addons. Note that the transcoder requires a 64-bit OS.