Wowza Community

install wowza in docker (synology) dsm 6

right now there are three parties im dealing with, wowza, synology, and docker. i have spen 9 hours of time trying to install wowza on docker on my synology nas server. downloading works perfect. But the next problem is the image section. It is an interface so no techie stuff, at least i hoped. i was forced to configure everything except the downloading part on my own. after nine hours of no eating or drinking i still had no success. i finally came to realize that wowza is able to work on my synology only to realize how imposible it is to install it on my server is there anything i can do to make it work? i beleive there a re people out there that succeeded, right?

This is the line i copied from the help page.

docker run -it --name “wowzamedia/wowza-streaming-engine-linux” --restart always --expose 1935/tcp --expose 8086/tcp --expose 8087/tcp --expose 8088/tcp --publish 1935:1935 --publish 8086:8086 --publish 8087:8087 --publish 8088:8088 --volume “/Users/me/Documents/logs:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/logs” --entrypoint “/sbin/” --env “WSE_MGR_USER=gelton” --env “WSE_MGR_PASS=greeneyes” --env “WSE_LIC=ET1E4-BHmUM-DtbPm-NWHdz-BG9Q6-3rKUH-4jXZFmQAEXZD” --env “WSE_IP_PARAM= wowzamedia/wowza-streaming-engine-linux:4.7.1”

docker run
-it --name “wowzamedia/wowza-streaming-engine-linux”
–restart always
–expose 1935/tcp --expose 8086/tcp
–expose 8087/tcp --expose 8088/tcp
–publish 1935:1935 --publish 8086:8086
–publish 8087:8087 --publish 8088:8088
–volume “/Users/me/Documents/logs:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/logs”
–entrypoint “/sbin/”
–env “WSE_MGR_USER=gelton”
–env “WSE_MGR_PASS=0my0pass0word0”
–env “WSE_LIC=mywowzakeymywowzakeymywowzakeymywowzakey”
–env “WSE_IP_PARAM= wowzamedia/wowza-streaming-engine-linux:4.7.1”

i cannot leave without filling i the command lines in “environment” otherwise the api is closed saying “Docker API has failed. Please visit Docker logfor more information” saying in the log file no command specified.

after correcting the list i get “container undefined does not exist.”

I can only cancel the process and try to run it but says “container does not exist.”

i filled the menu bars correctly like the ports, 8088 ,8087 ,8086, and 1935. i tried every combination,

i did it even without the “–it”. the thing is i have no example to compare it with except for the explanations. What else can i do i realy believe in wowza, it is the most universal server i know so far of corse there is flash but they are to expensive. red 5 was to unfamilier and nginx is difficult to find information about, especially when it comes to rtmp (don’t get me wrong but even here it is difficult to follow) it would be best if there were more tutorials on how to configure things. im a techn kind of guy i learn fast but without examples or anything it is almost imposible to try and get it in one day. I run windows and like only windows. but my server is the only thing i care about the most so i can shut down the pc for good and use only my phone or tablet. now that i know that wowza is compatible it is the only thing left to do.

username: tbital

thank you for your time and help

i have tried it once on a docker instance but didn’t get it to work.

What you might can try is maybe not the best solution but you could try it.

create an image with the OS of your preference (ubuntu,centos)

inside that docker do a complete (normal) installation of wowza.

its just an idea

i dont use wowza in docker instances though.What do you want to use it for? Incoming streams or just encoding to other devices? (if the last there is other software that might fit better).