Wowza Community

RMTP Authenitcation for -re


We have a stream we’re taking from the wowza server and using ffmpeg -re to reencode the stream and then we’re sending it back to wowza using the -f flv rtmp

Unfortunately, we have not been able to get the authentication to pass through so we’ve had to turn off authentication. We’ve ready several posts and there’s seems to be a unique process for passing in the authenitication on Windows.

Can anyone provide a solution?

Newer versions of FFmpeg use the following method:

-f flv rtmp://username:password@[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream

Older versions used the following method:

-f flv -y "rtmp://[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream flashver=FMLE/3.0\20(compatible;\20FMSc/1.0) live=true pubUser=username pubPasswd=password"

Make sure that your input VOD file uses H.264 video with stereo or mono AAC audio.