Wowza Community

How do I configure my streaming address with https?

I used rtmp, http service using load balancing with L4 switcher.

In addition, I reviewed Streamlock for service with https, and StreamLock id was created separately for each wowza streaming engines. There is no way to know what to do when using https service with L4 switcher. I need help.

It uses three wowza streaming engines.

Hi Ryu, while using load balancer as hardware or software solution, you dont need to configure ssl on your wowza side, load balancer logic is handling all the request with given port and distribute the balance with selected type ( round robin etc ). You should listen 443 on your LB and configure your wowza server instance ip as upstream servers with port, you can use 1935 on your wowza. Summary : your LB has an ip and your domain dns redirecting there, assume xxx.yyy then client comes https://xxx.yyy/live/etc
this request going to upstream server list with an order such as tt.ff:1935

Hi Keunseok,

Another option would be to use the free Wowza Load Balancer 4.5. This version includes support for SSL load balancing. One advantage to using this vs a round robin style load balancer is that the client connection is given a 302 redirect to the selected edge server and this helps ensure that the client maintains a persistent connection to a single edge server.

In this workflow the client does maintain an SSL connection directly with the edge server instead of doing an SSL offload. If you have a lot of edge servers, using a wildcard SSL certificate or multi-domain certificate is usually recommended.

Best regards,