Wowza Community

Adding SecureToken protection to JW player

I just download the most recent Replay Media Catch 3.0.1 (with all the new plugins) and SecureToken blocks it for me. The file does show up in the list but it is not populated with any data and in the Wowza Pro logs I can see the Replay Media Catcher connection being blocked:

INFO application app-start definst securetoken/definst

INFO session connect-pending -

INFO server comment - SecureTokenTarget: create:true play:false publish:false

INFO session connect -

INFO stream create - -

INFO session connect-pending -

INFO server comment - SecureTokenTarget: create:true play:false publish:false

INFO session connect -

ERROR server comment - Error: SecureToken: Challenge does not equal response: kill connection

ERROR server comment - Error: SecureToken: Action before response received: kill connection

INFO stream create - -

INFO stream destroy - -

INFO session disconnect 2072201024 -

INFO stream play Extremists -

INFO stream stop Extremists -

INFO stream destroy Extremists -

INFO session disconnect 692588433 -

If you still can’t sort out why it is not protecting your content zip up and send me your conf and logs folders so I can have a look (


Take a look at AllowDomain in the User’s Guide. It is what it is designed to do.


It is here:


Could you please verify how to get the securetoken with the latest version of the JW player (4.1). I tried it with this well written documentation but it didnt work.


  • Riki
  • Edit [wowza-pro-install-dir]/conf/securetoken/Application.xml and change the secureTokenSharedSecret property to the new value and restart Wowza Pro

  • Charlie

    Where is the securetoken example application found? It is nowhere on my server (1.7.2).

I’m not sure I understand the level of security this provides.

If the secure token shared secret is embedded in the player, then anyone who downloads the modified player.swf file could then play the protected videos.

If that means restricting access to the modified player.swf file, then that also means that to create different access control lists, I would need to have numerous customized player.swf files.

4.1.60 is the latest so far so can I use it to integrate with secure token now?

None of any recorder apps could do the job but I still couldnt prevent anyone to embed player from our page through source. Someone took the html code and embed from our site onto theirs. It seems that SecureToken is not a solution to prevent that way. A guy mentioned about Secure URL so anyone has an idea to secure even I added our domain on a xml file under wms that it shouldnt stream anywhere except a specific domain but still it does.

The above instructions are for the current version. I have not tried them lately but they should work. That being said, I know there was a problem with the initial release of JW Player 4.4 and SecureToken. I suggest you check the JW Player site. They were suppose to have fixed it.


Yes, SecureToken works on EC2. I am using it.

There should be this jar file in /usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro/lib :


Then you have to have Application.xml with Module that references that. See the secureToken example in [wowza-install-dir]/examples/secureToken

I also tested the latest demo version of this software. It listed the swf, then listed the flv I played, but downloaded 0 bytes.







Then in Wowza, in the Properties at the bottom of your Application.xml, match the token:

<!-- Properties defined here will be added to the IApplication.getProperties() and IApplicationInstance.getProperties() collections -->


Take a look at StorageDir in the Application.xml. This is where Wowza is looking for the video:



If SecureToken module is set up on the Wowza app you are connecting to with JW player, you just have to match the tokens. The one in Application.xml and the “token” Flashvar in JW Player

It’s setup already in recent JW player versions. Modify the “token” Flashvar in, rather than in your html. Look for:


change to



Yes, do it that way.


I think the instructions at the beginning of this post were written for a previous version of JW Player. All you should have to do is add your token to That’s what I do anyway. You don’t have to modify for securetoken.


I downloaded version 4.5, and the instructions at the top of this thread still work, that’s how you should do it.


Download the MediaSecurity Addon Package here:

And look at:




Yes, that is correct.
