Wowza Community

Can Any one help me about wowza streaming ,

Help me
i am not able to understand Wowza modules i studied but in
public void onAppStart(IApplicationInstance appInstance)
// String fullname = appInstance.getApplication().getName() + “/” + appInstance.getName();
// String clients = appInstance.toString();
// int playstreamcount = appInstance.getPlayStreamCount(fullname);
// String path = appInstance.getStreamKeyPath();
// String streamtype = appInstance.getStreamType();
// String datestartes = appInstance.getDateStarted();
// getLogger().info("onAppStart:Shiv++Rama " + fullname + clients + playstreamcount + path + streamtype + datestartes);

	appInstance.setMediaListProvider(new MyMediaListProvider());

i make jar file and configure in Application.xml


but its not working when i use content streaming in VLC and see the log files its shows
*Module class not found or could not be loaded. Check [install-dir]/conf/vod/Application.xml to be sure all Modules/Module/Class paths are correct: MyStreamingRecording

please guide me so that i can make java customize API for my project…

Aslo guide me to learn best way

Sure, we’d be happy to help, but it would require we have full access to your Engine files and logs so we can confirm that the package and classes were configured as expected. The “not found” message usually just means that it was not found defined in the correct location.

Tech support doesn’t debug in forums so you’ll need to submit a ticket. But, yes we can help you and guide you. A wowza engineer will work with you directly until it’s working as you’d like…

You can submit one here:

ok i will open the ticket but send me the java and wowza beginner guide because basic knowledge of java and new to wowza . and i want to make API in java so my wowza will work after customizes API
Waiting for your help.

Stupid question; but did you copy the JAR file to the /lib folder? If so; please post the entire module code (as an attachment)

Yes i copied my jar file into the /lib folder and see the code i mention my jar file in the application.xml
also… here is my module code.
package com.myapp.digivive;

import com.wowza.wms.application.;
import com.wowza.wms.amf.
import com.wowza.wms.client.;
import com.wowza.wms.module.
import com.wowza.wms.request.;
import com.wowza.wms.rtp.model.;
import com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.model.
import com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.httpstreamer.;
import com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.smoothstreaming.httpstreamer.
import com.wowza.wms.medialist.MediaList;
import com.wowza.wms.medialist.MediaListRendition;
import com.wowza.wms.medialist.MediaListSegment;

public class MyStreamingRecording extends ModuleBase

public void doSomething(IClient client, RequestFunction function, AMFDataList params)
	getLogger().info("Hello Wowza Server");
	sendResult(client, params, "Hello Wowza");

// public class MyMediaListProvider implements IMediaListProvider
// {
// public MediaList resolveMediaList(IMediaListReader mediaListReader, IMediaStream stream, String streamName)
// {
// MediaList mediaList = new MediaList();
// MediaListSegment segment = new MediaListSegment();
// mediaList.addSegment(segment);
// MediaListRendition rendition1 = new MediaListRendition();
// segment.addRendition(rendition1);
// rendition1.setName(streamName+"_400");
// rendition1.setBitrateAudio(128000);
// rendition1.setBitrateVideo(400000);
// rendition1.setWidth(320);
// rendition1.setHeight(240);
// rendition1.setAudioCodecId(“mp4a.40.2”);
// MediaListRendition rendition2 = new MediaListRendition();
// segment.addRendition(rendition2);
// rendition2.setName(streamName+"_800");
// rendition2.setBitrateAudio(128000);
// rendition2.setBitrateVideo(800000);
// rendition2.setWidth(640);
// rendition2.setHeight(480);
// rendition2.setAudioCodecId(“mp4a.40.2”);
// return mediaList;
// }

public void onAppStart(IApplicationInstance appInstance)
	String fullname = appInstance.getApplication().getName() + "/" + appInstance.getName();
	String clients = appInstance.toString();
	int playstreamcount = appInstance.getPlayStreamCount(fullname);
	String path = appInstance.getStreamKeyPath();
	String streamtype = appInstance.getStreamType();
	String datestartes = appInstance.getDateStarted();
	getLogger().info("onAppStart:Shiv++Rama " + fullname + clients + playstreamcount + path + streamtype + datestartes);

// appInstance.setMediaListProvider(new MyMediaListProvider());


and Application.xml


Help me to learn Wowza customize java API

That post is a mess; better to provide code in proper code blocks or as an attachment. That will also prevent your code being altered by the forum editor (like changing asterisks * into italic) as happens for your import statements at the top.

Check the compilation process; does it say that the module has been compiled successfully? In the code above there’s a missing curly bracket at the end.