Wowza Community

Java RTMP client?

I can’t really recommend anything better than a google search. I searched for “Java tcp socket” and saw several easy tutorials. If you need help with custom programming there are several Wowza consultants available.

Amir, you’ve posted in the Wowza 1.7.x forum. Are you not using the lastest version of Wowza? If so, upgrading might help with your RTMP issues.

Hi, I am trying to create a rtmp client in java.

I want to create a java application which connects to a wowza server, reading a shared object’s values and transfers them to the com port.

is there any java example of shared object? is it only possible to write clients in flex/actionscript like in the examples provided with the server?

in order to write to the com port, values received from wowza server, i’ve been trying the following way:

use a .net rtmp client(BroccoliProducts, FluorineFX or WebORB) and from .net it’s pretty easy to access the serial port - I’ve failed to establish a connection to wowza with all of those rtmp clients (handshake problems i think, server rejects the connection to those clients).

*web services is not a good solution either to me because of latency problems and my demand in this project is fast response, definitely not a technology based on text parsing over http

then I am now going for the second scenario, which is to access the com port from a java windows application, establish a rtmp connection to a wowza server, reading a shared object’s values, then sending them to the com port.

unfortunately other flex/flash/actionscript/SL based clients don’t have access the com port.

what should I do, if I want to use wowza to communicate with an electronic device. is there any way to do this?

wowza should support java environment - I don’t see why not providing a java api and make wowza truly a cross platform system.

please help! thanks,


about FluorineFX, i got the same result as in this thread:

NetConnection with C# : FluorineFX ?

HTTPProvider is not fast enough for my purpose, I also did not find a working sample of remote shared objects in C# (using web services), again I’m not sure about latency.

when using web services - does it really opens a tcp connection like NetConnection, directly to the shared object? or it’s just passing the parameters as text (slow)?

I’m trying to make 2 different client side application, one is a remote pc administration panel application that receives the remote pc’s desktop as a live video feed right into the mobile phone - so that kind of thing I can cover with flash/flex client.

the second client which is the reason i’m writing here, should be a .net client, written in C#, and it’s purpose is to execute the command that the first client(on mobile phone) requests, and also .net client have to captore the desktop and stream it to the phone, so basically it’s like remote desktop streamed on wowza server , controlled and being viewed on a mobile phone using flex/flash client. all parameters should be syncronized with a shared object (for all the remote commands)

flash and actionscript don’t have permission to access to the serial port which is really important in my project.

I must find a way to make a client in .net that can publish desktop and sync data using rso.

about the tcp socket

could you kindly give me an example of opening a tcp socket from a wowza module and maybe code sample for the server side module (java) and the client side module (C#)

Thank You!


Yes I am using the latest version,

Ok I will try tcp socket in java


can you please tell me if this class: ‘C:\Program Files\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server 2.2.4\examples\TextChat\src\’

is a class for client side, or a server side application?

is it possible to use the same classes like ISharedObject and use them from the java client?

This applet code can be useful for your task:

Yes I am using the latest version,

Ok I will try tcp socket in java


It is better you try in C# , because client server program is very easy to understand . Try this basics it will help you to learn basics, then you can move next level.
