Wowza Community

MediaCasterStreamManager controls start/stop/record of RTP, MPEG-TS and SHOUTcast

You will need to use the IMediaStreamActionNotify2 interface and add a listener to get notification of the onUnPublish event.

Great ! Now I must find out how to code this and where I could use this code :wink:

Charlie, could you post sample code on how to implement IMediaStreamActionNotify2/onUnPublish ?

I just don’t know where to start and where add this in my current module ?

Thanks a lot !

Thank you Richard.

Using Java code published by Charlie at start of this topic (, I’d like to be sure recording is stopped before moving archive (stopMediaCasterStream()) but I don’t know where to put the code you provide …

1/ It will certainly be the same : I won’t be sure stop action will be achieved when responder is called on client side,

2/ I’m sure I can do this without getting back to client …

It’s very easy - you can call the startMediaCasterStream inside java, we use it to start the mediacasters from our encoding server over a socket connection.

I can provide a example if you like, but it’s very very easy :wink:

You need to modify it a bit:

public void startMediaCasterStream(String group, String streamName, String mediaCasterType, String name, String size, int bitrate)
				getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream["+mediaCasterType+"]: "+streamName);
				MediaCasterStreamMap mediaCasterMap = this.appInstance.getMediaCasterStreams();
				IVHost vhost = this.appInstance.getVHost();
				MediaCasterStreamManager mediaCasterStreamManager = mediaCasterMap.getStreamManager();
				MediaCasterList mediaCasterList = vhost.getMediaCasterList();
				MediaCasterItem mediaCasterDef = mediaCasterList.getMediaCasterDef(mediaCasterType);
				if (mediaCasterDef == null)
					getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: MediaCaster type not found: "+mediaCasterType);
				MediaCasterStreamItem mediaCasterStream = mediaCasterMap.getMediaCaster(streamName);
				if (mediaCasterStream != null)
				{	getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: MediaCaster already exists[mediacaster]: "+streamName);
				boolean success = mediaCasterStreamManager.startStream(streamName, mediaCasterType);
				if (success)
				{		getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: Stream started: "+streamName);
					getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: Stream failed: "+streamName);
		catch (Exception e)
			getLogger().error("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: "+e.toString());
	// NEEDED INFO: streamName (glf.sdp)
	public void stopMediaCasterStream(String streamName)
				getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: "+streamName);
				MediaCasterStreamMap mediaCasterMap = this.appInstance.getMediaCasterStreams();
				MediaCasterStreamManager mediaCasterStreamManager = mediaCasterMap.getStreamManager();
				boolean success = mediaCasterStreamManager.stopStream(streamName);
				if (success)
					getLogger().info("ModuleStreamStarter.stopMediaCasterStream: Stream stopped: "+streamName);
					getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: Stream not found: "+streamName);
		catch (Exception e)
			getLogger().error("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: "+e.toString());

and it’s called like this:

Main.getLiveApp().startMediaCasterStream(group, streams[i][0] + ".sdp", "rtp", streams[i][0], streams[i][1], Integer.parseInt(streams[i][2]));
Main.getLiveApp().stopMediaCasterStream(streams[i] + ".sdp");

Sorry, i’m in the middle of my exams, so i hadn’t the time to modify the code to your needs.

Here the complete code (sorry, I needed to remove some parts of our business logic - it’s a project at our university)

package de.mpgz.camm;
import com.wowza.wms.*;
public class S2 extends ModuleBase {
	private IApplicationInstance appInstance = null;
	public void onAppStart(IApplicationInstance appInstance) {
		String fullname = appInstance.getApplication().getName() + "/"
				+ appInstance.getName();
		getLogger().info("onAppStart: " + fullname);
			appInstance.shutdown(false, false);
		} else {
			// Save Instance
			this.appInstance = appInstance;
        public void startMediaCasterStream(String group, String streamName, String mediaCasterType, String name, String size, int bitrate)
				getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream["+mediaCasterType+"]: "+streamName);
				MediaCasterStreamMap mediaCasterMap = this.appInstance.getMediaCasterStreams();
				IVHost vhost = this.appInstance.getVHost();
				MediaCasterStreamManager mediaCasterStreamManager = mediaCasterMap.getStreamManager();
				MediaCasterList mediaCasterList = vhost.getMediaCasterList();
				MediaCasterItem mediaCasterDef = mediaCasterList.getMediaCasterDef(mediaCasterType);
				if (mediaCasterDef == null)
					getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: MediaCaster type not found: "+mediaCasterType);
				MediaCasterStreamItem mediaCasterStream = mediaCasterMap.getMediaCaster(streamName);
				if (mediaCasterStream != null)
				{	getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: MediaCaster already exists[mediacaster]: "+streamName);
				boolean success = mediaCasterStreamManager.startStream(streamName, mediaCasterType);
				if (success)
				{		getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: Stream started: "+streamName);
					getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: Stream failed: "+streamName);
		catch (Exception e)
			getLogger().error("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.startMediaCasterStream: "+e.toString());
	// NEEDED INFO: streamName (glf.sdp)
	public void stopMediaCasterStream(String streamName)
				getLogger().info("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: "+streamName);
				MediaCasterStreamMap mediaCasterMap = this.appInstance.getMediaCasterStreams();
				MediaCasterStreamManager mediaCasterStreamManager = mediaCasterMap.getStreamManager();
				boolean success = mediaCasterStreamManager.stopStream(streamName);
				if (success)
					getLogger().info("ModuleStreamStarter.stopMediaCasterStream: Stream stopped: "+streamName);
					getLogger().warn("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: Stream not found: "+streamName);
		catch (Exception e)
			getLogger().error("ModuleMediaCasterStreamManager.stopMediaCasterStream: "+e.toString());

package de.mpgz.camm;
import com.wowza.wms.*;
public class CaMMServerListener implements IServerNotify {
	private CaMM_S2 Main;
	public void onServerCreate(IServer server) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		this.Main = new CaMM_S2(server);
	private void loadAndLockAppInstance(IVHost vhost, String appName, String appInstanceName)
		IApplication localApplication = null;
		IApplicationInstance localAppInstance = null;
		WMSReadWriteLock appLock = vhost.getApplicationLock();
	    	localApplication = vhost.getApplication(appName);
    		if (localApplication != null)
	    		localAppInstance = localApplication.getAppInstance(appInstanceName);
    		} else {
    			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(null).warn("Application folder ([install-location]/applications/"+appName+") is missing");
		catch (Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(null).error("CaMMServerListener.loadAndLockAppInstance: "+ appName + " - " + e.toString());
	public void onServerInit(IServer server) {
		IVHost vhost = VHostSingleton.getInstance(VHost.VHOST_DEFAULT);
		loadAndLockAppInstance(vhost, "live", ApplicationInstance.DEFAULT_APPINSTANCE_NAME);
	public void onServerShutdownStart(IServer server) {
	public void onServerShutdownComplete(IServer server) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


				<Description>CaMM S2 Plugin</Description>



(You can use auto-generated imports to keep them small.)

And instead of “this.Main = new CaMM_S2(server);” in the CaMMServerListener you can use your own class to check if the .sdp file is existing or wait for network connections (like we do).

Hi Charlie,

I am testing the MediaCasterStreamManger. I try to record an stream delivered by Darwin Streaming Server 6. My problem is that Wowza server records only 2 minutes. The recording works perfect, but the Wowza server receives/requests no more data from the Darwin Streaming server after the 2 minutes. (Connecton to dss closes after 2 minutes)

(another setup together with same encoder, darwin server and the rtplive application works perfect)



i am using your


into the field Stream in enter for example my Darwin Streamin URL:


its an public stream, delivered by our Dariwin6 Streaming Server.

When I press the Start Stream button the stream will be recorded for 2 minutes.

When I watch the traffic on the network interfaces I can see udp packets between darwin and the wowza server (Port 6970 / 699x). But after 2 minutes no more udp pakets can be seen on the network interface.

Or is it possible to record the stream using a relayed stream from darwin to wowza, because the rtplive application, which I already use, works perfect.

Wowza URL:


(i have installed WowzaMediaServerPro1.6.0-patch22)

Is there a way to record the stream I already push with darwin to the woza server?



Is there any way to record MediaCasterStreams if there is no even application instance running?

I mean sheduled recording: separate thread will determine that it is time to start recording - it will launch Application Instance, then start mediaCasterStream

Thank you!

Uh… finally found IVHost.startApplicationInstance… will try it.

Hi Charlie,

Currently I use the MediaCaster Client, for start/stop the Live Streaming… is possible make the same but directly from ServerSide, the idea is don’t use FlashClient…

If this possible, you have any example?



Thanks, currently I use the 1.7 version with VLC and SDP file, and don’t need MediaCaster for start from the cliente, only call to the SDP File inside the Content directory… really me ask is for I test the same with 2.0 Preview version and don’t work without MediaCasterClient interface.

Here my need, and I’m a SysAdmin and don’t programing in Java, me home solution now are, use VNC Server start the Browser, open Flash Interface and start the Stream, this Work but is very very bad idea… thanks again…



Yes, please… an example is appreciated… thanks…

Thanks a lot… only one more question, inside the Wowza, you have one example how setting this? for example in Application.xml

Thanks again… I understand the code perfectly…

Can it be use with Wowza2 too?

Thanks in advance.


I’ve install the module but I get “Missing function: startMediaCasterStream” in Wowza’s logs :frowning:

I’ve made a mistake when I’ve installed the module.

It’s now work correctly.


I would like to add the method getMediaCasterType to MediaCasterStreamManager module because I want to get by flash if a stream is in rtp type or rtp-record type.

I’ve take a look at the source code of MediaCasterManager but I don’t know how to implement the getMediaCasterType method.

Can you help me?