Wowza Community


Hi Charlie,

Thank you for your response.

That was only a test, I tried it also with the last flash player, and with severals players.

The strange is that the issue happens only on the production server.

I don’t have any another clue.

Is there a posibility that it depends on the License?

Thanks again and sorry for my poor english.


yes, I tried with plugin version

Could you try play the Extremists.flv at rtmp://

thanks!, I’m going to check that.

I’ve updated the wowza but the issue is still happening :S

the recording isn’t the issue, the issue is that sometimes, in a long videos, the playing is stopped because the server close the connection. (or maybe the client).

Any way I’m goint to try record a video.

I’ve recorded “testVideo1”, sometimes when I play it, it stopped. Not always happens it.

Could you look it? I appreciate your help

We bought “Wowza Unlimited” license as we thought that we are running out of max allowed connections in dev edition and unfortunately still observing connection close issue as discussed below (URL is: rtmp:// We are running CentOS 5.3. Please advise

Yes I did - it was first thing I did after Wowza installation. Modified startup scripts to use server version of JVM then increased maximum memory to 1700M. Also, changed I/O scheduler to Anticipatory elevator and mounted file system with noatime setting.

Made changes to Wowza VHost.xml as well

I checked and ulimit line is uncommented in both files: and - below is my file:
#JMXOPTIONS="$JMXOPTIONS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
if [ "$WMSCOMMAND" != "start" ]; then
ulimit -n 20000
# log interceptor com.wowza.wms.logging.LogNotify - see Javadocs for ILogNotify
$_EXECJAVA $JAVA_OPTS $JMXOPTIONS -Dcom.wowza.wms.AppHome="$WMSAPP_HOME" -Dcom.wowza.wms.ConfigURL="$WMSCONFIG_URL" -Dcom.wowza.wms.ConfigHome="$WMSCONFIG_HOME" -cp $WMSAPP_HOME/bin/wms-bootstrap.jar com.wowza.wms.bootstrap.Bootstrap $WMSCOMMAND >/dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ "$WMSCOMMAND" = "start" ]; then
        echo $! > ${WMSPIDFILE}
        wait $!
exit 0

Yes I did. I also used other non-flash video streaming players (WinAmp) and no change - same issue.