Wowza Community

Push Publishing AddOn package to push stream to CDNs and service providers


the encoding device is not capable of generating a rtmp ingest just an rtp/udp stream so we want to use the Wowza as an ingest service for different CDN’s.

Meanwhile I managed to publish the stream to and automatically get the channel online.

The issue was the way reads the rtmp connection string. But thanks to the pushpublish library you can manipulate different options.

The only thing I still see is the disconnect of the PushPublisher object and the reconnect.

INFO server comment - PushPublisher.sessionClosed



Hi Tom,

I sent you an email with all the instructions how far I got but I still see the disconnect issue.

Hope you have more luck.



Wanted to update this thread and add that I have had this module working with Edgecast for some time; I just got done broadcasting a 48 hour long live stream with it in fact. I see a few others here are using it with EC as well so maybe update the original post to reflect this/add Edgecast to the list of CDN’s?

Am trying to configure RTSP stream for Blackberry & Windows Mobile Devices and push the stream from wowza to Akamai CDN. Can someone help, please… thanks.

Am trying to configure RTSP stream for Blackberry & Windows Mobile Devices and push the stream from wowza to Akamai CDN. Can someone help, please… thanks.

Guys, is there any chance that when I push the stream from our Wowza through the AddOn package to [let’s say] Akamai, the clients connecting to the stream through Akamai will be able to use the SharedObject running on the Wowza? (e.g. to be able to chat with each other).

Thanks for any advice.


I am trying to get this AddOn working with Limelight. They sent me a document that explains how to set it up with the .jar files etc. I have gone through the entire process and the module is functioning(I think) But I am getting this error:

PushPublisher.internalConnect[rtmp://*]: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException

In there documentation it shows things like PushPublisher.Session open etc. I am by no means a java expert. Anyone set this up with Limelight that could give me some suggestions?


When I try to use the simplevideo streaming I am getting the following:

[ AccessManager.Reject ] :


I have gone through their document and setup my host,stream name, and authentication method with user/pass. This is my encode path and I am wondering if this may be part of the issue with rtmp push: Live Video -> MPEG-TS Encoder --> Wowza -> LL. In their examples they show their FMS sending a stream name etc. My current setup doesn’t work that way. Is there a possibility that this could be part of the issue?

We are using an mpeg-ts encoder. I will try rebuilding this again and see what happens. When starting this in the stream manager I am just specifying my stream name aka which contains my udp:// and my port number. This should work as far as I can tell.

Got the plugin working with Akamai (yay!) and now trying to get it to work with Ustream. I can see that I’m trying to connect but I have a feeling that the /definst/ may be getting in the way. Is there an easy way to remove that from the URI? I don’t see it in the push-publish example so I’m wondering if that is getting inserted by the actual pre-compiled pushpublish plugin?

Please please please help me to get this working… We are newbies here and want help. Possible?

Got the plugin working with Akamai (yay!) and now trying to get it to work with Ustream. I can see that I’m trying to connect but I have a feeling that the /definst/ may be getting in the way. Is there an easy way to remove that from the URI? I don’t see it in the push-publish example so I’m wondering if that is getting inserted by the actual pre-compiled pushpublish plugin?


I am looking to push to youtube live using youtube’s own cdn. Is this possible with the Push Publish Addon?


Yes, you can publish with an RTMP encoder. We have streamed to Youtube using FMLE in previous projects.

Hello bmckim,

thanx for sharing the code. Could you please also share your conf/live/Application.xml file.



Got it working!

Here is my code in case anyone wants to reuse.

							// Source stream
							// Destination stream
							publishers.put(stream, publisher);

To see published streams in JConsole you have to add IMediaStream to /conf/Server.xml /AdminInterface /ObjectList



Is this still working in the same way? I’m trying to continous information about whether the pushpublish plugin has a working connection to Level 3, for monitoring purposes. I’d like to somehow trigger an alarm if that connection fails. Is there anyway I can get this type of information through JMX? I tried adding IMediaStream in the Server.xml but I’m not seeing anything in JConsole.

To integrate an alarm, an email alert for example, you would have to use the PushPublish API. Take a look at the /sample folder in the Push package as a starting place. Then you can add IPushPublisherRTMPNotify interface to detect problems and add email alert. Take a look at this post for an example of using IPushPublisherRTMPNotify


Ok. That’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I was hoping there was a way to get information about connections that can be pushed to an external montioring system and have alarms and such triggered from there. The benefit would be seeing trends and such. Is there no information to be had through JMX? Something similar to wowza application connections and so on?

I’m not sure how to integrate external system in JMX. In Wowza you can connect to a database in a notifier (such as IPushPublisherRTMPNotify or IMediaStreamActionNotify3)

Other options are logging directly to a database, but that can be fragile (best to have the database on same machine). Or the log4j UDP appender which is commented out in the /conf/ (I don’t have any info or examples on client for the UDP appender)


I already know how to integrate with JMX. I just need to know what information that can be had through JMX. I’ve found PushPublish objects in JConsole, but I’m not entirely sure what the different attributes actually mean. First I thought I could monitor MessagesOutBytes but that just aggregates all bytes ever published. I need to know whether we stop publishing for some reason. So my question is, which of the attributes, if any, could help me do that. If our source we publish to goes down, do we start losing messages so that I should monitor messagesLossCount or does the messagesOutBytesRate go down? There is really not so much documentation to go on, so any clarification on the MBeans provided through JMX and their attributes would be highly appreciated.

I’ve found the mbeans in JConsole. I need to know what the attributes stand for, in order to construct decent thresholds and alarms. Do you have any documentation on the attributes and MBeans that you expose to JMX, or can you give me any information about the attributes you expose and how they work? In order to figure out if we lose connection, do I monitor messageLossCount or what? I was hoping to get some decent answers from you so I don’t have to resort to trial and error.

Hi all,

If someone could solve my problem, i would be so grateful.

I have updated wowza 4.0.5 version from 2.2.4, inorder to push my live streams in the following pattern (Flash Media Live Encoder -> wowza -> Akamai CDN)

I have followed the following link:

But i could not see any push publish activity in wowza or in logs folder.

Tried enabling debugging in pushpublishmap.txt file

But i could not able to see the activity in the logs. Where can i find the logs? What are the major things to check inorder to get the push publish work in wowza 4.0.5

