Wowza Community

Simple Server Statistics

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Jinmo Kang

Any chance of adding a year chart and perhaps an average to it? I would love to be able to give a quick number for what my bandwidth delivered each month was per server so I know where I stand with the hosting company.

I love it and have it running on three servers :slight_smile:


I am running Wowza 3 preview 2 and i installed step by step but its not working on my server.

Its giving: “Wowza Media Server 3 Preview 2 (expires: August 31th, 2011) 3.0.0-preview2 build435”

My server is running here:

Please advise where i am doing wrong on Wowza 3.

Also tell me the price of the per application monitoring. Please contact on mamoor at eboundservices dot com


I had the same type of problem till you move the code from step 5

Step 5: you must insert the HTTPProvider block before the one about com.wowza.wms.http.HTTPServerVersion. Should work then …

I am interested in purchasing the per application logging, please contact me.


I am also having trouble getting it to work on one of my servers. The graph comes up but it is empty and doesn’t refresh. Is there any dependency such as mysql, or anything else that should have been installed first? it is a stripped box that only streams video without even Apache.

*:8086/serverreport/getData.html gets me a blank page

I am running CentOS and Wowza 3.5.2.

Is this plugin still “supported” or should I be moving to another solution?

Feeling a little silly, but it still isn’t working. The homux-stat.db file exists with 777 permissions and was setup wrong initially in the Server.xml file to point to where it was stored on the other server… I fixed that and now the getData.html page works, but the graphs still don’t populate I have waited a few minutes to give it a chance to refresh, restarted the server a few times and still nothing.

getData.html results:{ “ConnectionsCurrent” : “4”, “ConnectionsTotal” : “4”, “ConnectionsTotalAccepted” : “4”, “ConnectionsTotalRejected” : “0”, “MessagesInBytesRate” : “300.0”, “MessagesOutBytesRate” : “218294.0”, “list” : ] }

Bump, still hoping to get this fixed.


I am running Wowza 3 preview 2 and i installed step by step but its not working on my server.

Its giving: “Wowza Media Server 3 Preview 2 (expires: August 31th, 2011) 3.0.0-preview2 build435”

My server is running here:

Please advise where i am doing wrong on Wowza 3.

Also tell me the price of the per application monitoring. Please contact on mamoor at eboundservices dot com


Thanks its resolved and working great.


I am interested in buying this module per application with geo monitoring of clients through IP.

Please PM me for the price of the module per application.


When trying to connect to my Intranet server, it asks for a User Name /PAssword. I placed the server password but doesn’t show anything…any help

http://[Wowza Location]:8086/serverreport

Add a username and password to the /conf/admin.password file for access to Built-in HTTPProviders which provide Server stats that can be viewed in a browser window.

When trying to connect to my Intranet server, it asks for a User Name /PAssword. I placed the server password but doesn’t show anything…any help

http://[Wowza Location]:8086/serverreport

after installing simple server statistics

I cant seem to get to http://xx.xx.xx.x:8086/streammanager/

can anyone help?

i will look into it thanks

$ tail /etc/crontab

m h dom mon dow user command

          • root cd /tmp/ && rm -f find /tmp/ -cmin 5|grep libsqlitejdbc >> /dev/null 2>&1


I think I have a problem with this module and can’t figure out how to fix it. The module seems to be working fine, I can see the stat, graphs, … but after some days running I had the message “Drive Critical: /dev/loop0 (/tmp) is 100% full” from my server provider. I checked the disk and found the disk full of files like this “libsqlitejdbc-4029631928615397089.lib

I think this modules is creating all these files. How can I avoid the module to create these files?




Thank you very much for the application, it’s wonderfull and gives you some idea of what’s going on, with your server and applications.


For this to work you must put your db file, somewhere that you have access rights and the file is not read only.

I personally had the same error, and i just put the file to my c:/ drive with no folder and it worked

Hi Comjakma,

Im facing a problem similar to Plug.Andre.

Everytime i go to my server ip address:8086/serverreport, all i see is:

Wowza Media Server 2 Subscription 2.2.3 build26454

Same scenario with serverreport/getData.html.

I can see that my homux-stat.db file is increasing. It was 9kb when i installed it, now it is 10.kb. Also, the time modified is also changing, which means that some data is being logged. I just cant see it.

Ive followed all your instructions. Should I send you my files? Can you please help?

my ip is


This thing just isn’t working for me. I’ve went step by step numerous times and always get the same result. I see the tables on the page, but they contain no graphs or anything. On the server I see messages about tables that don’t exist. I’ve placed the db file in my conf folder and made it read/write. Using Linux Ubuntu.


I think I have a problem with this module and can’t figure out how to fix it. The module seems to be working fine, I can see the stat, graphs, … but after some days running I had the message “Drive Critical: /dev/loop0 (/tmp) is 100% full” from my server provider. I checked the disk and found the disk full of files like this “libsqlitejdbc-4029631928615397089.lib

I think this modules is creating all these files. How can I avoid the module to create these files?



Hi Comjakma,

And how coujld I fix it?



Hi, I’m working with 3.5 version on a Centos Server. It works perfectly except for serverreport page: I see all graphs empty.

I’ve followed all the guidelines of this topic and now I’m evaluating some possible incompatibilities between homux-server and unix.