Wowza Community

Using JW Player 5.x with Wowza Server

Edited, wrong for JW Player.


These kind of playlists are located relative to the swf file, on the web server, not on Wowza.


Looking at the example again, you put a streamer and put videos, like this:

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:jwplayer="">
		<media:content url="somevideo.mp4"/>

Where somevideo.mp4 is located in the content folder of the “vod” application on Wowza server. i.e., where [wowza-install-dir]/conf/vod/Application.xml /StorageDir is set to

The playlist is generally in the same location as your html and swf on the web server. In the Flashvars you reference a playlist with the “file” Flashvar.




You have to remove the “.flv” extension in the stream name.


And make sure the Application.xml /StreamType is “live”


Yup, working on the post at top. What do you think?


See this tutorial for dynamic bitrate switching in JW Player 5.1 (and 4.6)


It might be an encoding issue. Each version has to have properly aligned keyframe timecodes, which is a function of the encoding process. Try posting on the JW player forum for advice on that. I’m not real sure what the best way to get that done is, but I know they have sample videos that work and should have more info or advice on encoding, or using their client-side smil.


I see that. You can ask them about that too on the JW Player forum.


Actually, hold on a sec, that is something I can fix.


It’s fixed.

But ask them about the production methods they used to create these videos:

<media:content bitrate=“1600” width=“1080” url=“8Juv1MVa-67727.mp4” />

<media:content bitrate=“1200” width=“720” url=“8Juv1MVa-485.mp4” />

<media:content bitrate=“800” width=“480” url=“8Juv1MVa-484.mp4” />

<media:content bitrate=“400” width=“320” url=“8Juv1MVa-483.mp4” />


What he is saying is that a server-side smil in the form that is used by IPhone and Silverlight in our tutorials does not work. They use a client-side playlist, as in the tutorial that I posted a link to.


Maybe it is the misspelled protocol:


change to rtmp


Also, JW Player 5.1 using “provider=rtmp”

And it would be better to ask JW player playlist questions on JW forum. That is where I go.



Continuous checking should work with Wowza 2 using JW player 5.1 and 4.7


See if the frame rate (FPS) in the video that takes longer to load is lower than the one that is faster.

With h.264 video, Flash waits for about 60 frames before it starts, so a lower frame rate can cause a delay. You can get around this by setting the bufferlengh to 0. You can do this in the Flashvars “&bufferlength=0”. However it can cause problems, it can increase the chance of jittery playback.

“provider=rtmp” is correct Flashvar for JW Player 5. There is no provider=rtmpe, but if you were using rtmpe protocol you would still use provider=rtmp. But as you can see it is not alway neccessary, but it is a good idea to include this Flashvar


I think you can show an image that is on a web server in JW Player, using the image flashvar


I don’t think so, not that I know of You can stream a single video frame by using 0 length param in netstream. For example:"example.flv",5,0);

This will show a single frame of the video at 5 seconds from start.


It looks right. You should see something in the logs. You could try adding the .flv extension to the “file” Flashvar, although I don’t think that matters with JW Player, but try it anyway. Also try “localhost” instead of loop back ip, which also should should be okay, but try it anyway.

What is the Server and Stream you used successfully in SimpleVideoStreaming? Is it this?:

Server: rtmp://localhost:1935/vod

Stream: Extremists.flv

The equivalent in JW Player is:

Flashvars = "provider=rtmp&streamer=rtmp://localhost:1935/vod&file=Extremists.flv"

If you are testing it in a Netscape type browser, which is anything beside Internet Explorer, then test it in IE. And vice versa, if you are testing in IE, try a NN browser.


Great, thanks for the update. Glad it’s working


The Flashvars are wrong. This is corrected:

<param name="flashvars" value="streamer=rtmp://" />
