Wowza Community

Using Telestream Wirecast live encoder with Wowza Pro (RTMP or RTSP/RTP)

Thanks for the update. I will update the forum post for this new functionality.


Very happy to hear you got this sorted out.


Great that you got it working. Great to hear it was so easy.


Unfortunately there are several authentication mechanisms and they flow into the server in very different ways. RTSP/RTP authentication is done using our build in authentication classes. There is a way to implement your own RTSP/RTP authentication class but it is pretty involved. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish?


RTMP authentication is handled in a separate AddOn package. It is here:

We currently do not have a way to extend this system to provide custom methods of authentication. The current system uses a username/password lookup in a flat file. I will consider extending this support hooks for plugin in other methods but for now it will stay this way.

The RTSP/RTP mechanism is more extensible. Again, it take a little work but it can be customized.


They use the system in the MediaSecurity package which does it using a flat username/password file.



I’m trying to get it to stream to the EC2 WOWZA instance and it is not behaving. Will it work with the EC2 app??



I have follow all the steps in your forum

( because we

want to broadcast our show in flash format through Wirecast 3 but I

didn’t work to me…

I complete step number 9 (To play the stream, double click the

LiveVideoStreaming) using “On2 Flix Live” and I could see the image,

but when I play it using Wirecast doesn’t work. We need to use

Wirecast because we are doing some production during our show, and we

need to send the signal to our Streaming Server (instead of localhost).

Any help would be so much appreciated and very important for us.

How do I disable the username/password? I do not want authentication from wowza… I tried modifying Application.xml (setting

none) and all other similar hacks but no success… Is there a way to disable the authentication in examples


Hi we have Wirecast working feeding wowza and can get the video from wowza. Our main issue is the 7+ seconds delay - between live and what shows in the browser. We are testing this on the local lan between two pcs. Is it possible to get less than 1 sec delay? If so how can we achieve this. The wirecast preview and live mode have no discernable delay - so we don’t believe it is the wirecast side. Wowza is running on a quadcore intel - with plenty of ram. Please HELP!

Hi Charlie,

please can you check this out,…

I have installed WOWZA the latest version on my server Linux OS.

If I use QT Broadcaster, Wowza works perfect,… but if I use Wirecast on the same computer exactly same streaming settings it just does not work. The player does not play the sream. But I quit wirecast open QT-B hit broadcast whala good image perfect streaming.

I know you are not support center for wirecast, but after following this forum, I have tried the changing the Live to live-lowlatency, add the







nothing happens,… still the same,… QT,… NP,… Wirecast doesn’t broadcast.


Hi folks,

I’m attempting to get HTTP streaming working.

When I try to open the stream from an iPhone, I get the

following error on the phone:

Cannot Play Movie

The file can not be found

I “believe” I followed the steps.

In ./conf/live/Application.xml the streamtype is set to live,

the property options listed are added,

and I updated LiveStreamPacketizers:


I’ve set credentials in ./conf/rtp.password


I start WMS

then Wirecast

Then try to hit it with the iPhone

I get the following in the server output when I try to connect

to “”:


WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreaming.getAppInstance:

Stream not found [live/w/playlist.m3u8]: w


I am using Wirecast 3.5.4, and have it set to:

Destination: Announce to Quicktime Streaming Server


File location: live/w.sdp

username: ****** Password: *****

I’ve created a new encoder preset, ‘wowza’.

Output Format: Quicktime


encoder: H.264 : Baseline

width: 480

Height: 352

Quality: Medium

FPS: 30

(Packetizer) rtp payload = H.264 Video

(pkt size limit: 1438)

Here’s the output from


root@dev:/usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/bin# rm …/logs/wowzamediaserver_*

root@dev:/usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/bin# ./

Configure logging: file:///usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/conf/

INFO server server-start Wowza 2 Advanced Preview 6 expires 30 Sept 2009 2.0.0-preview6 build21567 -

INFO server comment - Serial number: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-RDC4M

INFO server comment - Maximum connections: Unlimited

INFO server comment - Hardware Available Processors: 1

INFO server comment - Hardware Physical Memory: 109MB/2024MB

INFO server comment - Hardware Swap Space: 2134MB/2141MB

INFO server comment - Max File Descriptor Count: 1024

INFO server comment - Open File Descriptor Count: 36

INFO server comment - OS Name: Linux

INFO server comment - OS Version: 2.6.27-14-server

INFO server comment - OS Architecture: i386

INFO server comment - Java Name: Java HotSpot™ Client VM

INFO server comment - Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

INFO server comment - Java Version: 1.6.0_10

INFO server comment - Java VM Version: 11.0-b15

INFO server comment - Java Spec Version: 1.6

INFO server comment - Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

INFO server comment - Java Max Heap Size: 762MB

INFO server comment - Java Architecture: 32

INFO server comment - CMDInterface now listening: [any]:8083

INFO server comment - vhost home directory: /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer

INFO vhost vhost-start defaultVHost -

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost RTMP/RTMPT bind attempt (

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost Bind successful (

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost RTMP/RTMPT bind attempt (

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost Bind successful (

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost RTMP/RTMPT bind attempt (

INFO vhost comment defaultVHost Bind successful (

INFO application app-start definst live/definst

INFO rtsp connect 1625959749 -

INFO rtsp announce 1625959749 -

INFO server comment - sortPackets[1]: sortBufferSize:500

INFO stream create - -

INFO stream publish w.sdp -

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.bind:

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.bind:

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.bind:

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.bind:

INFO rtsp publish 1625959749 -

INFO server comment - UDPTransport.firstPacket:

INFO server comment - RTCPHandler.sendFirstRTCPRR[12199454,6973,/]

INFO server comment - UDPTransport.firstPacket:

INFO server comment - RTCPHandler.sendFirstRTCPRR[1066317,6971,/]

INFO server comment - UDPTransport.firstPacket:

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/w.sdp]: chunkDurationTarget: 10000

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/w.sdp]: chunkDurationTolerance: 500

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/w.sdp]: audioGroupCount: 3

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/w.sdp]: playlistChunkCount:3

INFO server comment - MediaStreamMap.getLiveStreamPacketizer: Create live stream packetizer: cupertinostreamingpacketizer:w.sdp

INFO server comment - CupertinoPacketHandler.startStream[live/definst/w.sdp]

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket: Audio info[live/definst/w.sdp]: {AACFrame: size: 0, rate:22050, channels:2, samples:1024, errorBitsAbsent:true, profileObjectType:2}

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket: Video info[live/definst/w.sdp]: {H264CodecConfigInfo: profile: “Baseline”, level: 2.1, frameSize: 480x352, aspect: 0/1, }

INFO server comment - UDPTransport.firstPacket:

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS: Add chunk[live/definst/w.sdp]: id:1 blocks:362 duration:11032

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS: Add chunk[live/definst/w.sdp]: id:2 blocks:409 duration:10967

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS: Add chunk[live/definst/w.sdp]: id:3 blocks:408 duration:10967

INFO cupertino connect 484430047 -

INFO stream create w -

INFO stream play w -

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreaming.getAppInstance: Stream not found [live/w/playlist.m3u8]: w

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS: Add chunk[live/definst/w.sdp]: id:4 blocks:409 duration:10966


Okay folks… what am I missing?

Thanks much,


You need to be running Wowza Pro 1.5.0 preview2 which has not been publicly released yet. If you want to be notified of the release signup on this page:


Please explain what you are interested in doing in detail. I am really don’t follow what you want to stream to where.


I don’t understand what you are trying to do. Can explain in more detail?


I am not sure I completely understand what you are trying to do. At this time Wowza Pro can only stream out to the Flash player. Can you describe in more detail what you are trying to achieve.


That is exactly what these instructions do. You are sending an H.264 stream from WireCast to Wowza Pro (the streaming server). Then you can use the Flash player to play the stream (the LiveStreamingVideo example player).

You will need to install Wowza Pro on your service provider server. It will replace the Windows Media Server that you are currently using.

Make sense?


We are considering this feature for a future release but we do not have a timeframe as of yet.


Did you try following the instructions in this post:

Let me know if it helps. What is the cpu load on the machine doing the encoding?


It sounds like Wirecast/encoding machine is working had to keep up. I would do a quick test and reduce the bitrate and frame size of the encoding to see if that reduces the latency. Also try setting Streams/StreamType in conf/[application]/Application.xml to “live-lowlatency” to see if that helps. Also, with H.264 Flash seems to always delay the stream by at least 2-4 seconds. So you will most likely never do better than a few seconds of latency.
