Wowza Community

Wowza/Flex AV Chat example

Removed, posted to wrong thread.

Previous post was to wrong thread.

This is the issue:

ERROR server comment - loadModFunctions: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.w


This means the jar is not in the Wowza lib folder or you didn’t restart Wowza after adding it.


You can ignore those Warnings. Or change to:

for (var p:Number = n-1; p >= 0; p--) 


Yes, it is at least 75% the VideoChat example that ships with Wowza. Please trace these functions to see what they do. It’s a starting place.


Try setting the project to use SDK 3.5 in the Project Properties, Actionscript Compiler tab.


There is a .jar file included with this example. Make sure you have have copied that to your Wowza /lib folder, and added the Module to the Application.xml, and re-started Wowza. Then each user should see the stream the other has published.


It didn’t load for me. I’m not sure what the problem could be. It is an as-is example. If you want to extend it and do not know Flash/Flex (Actionscript 3) you will have to look for a Flash and Wowza developer. We have a list of independent consultants that you can get by sending request to


The developer license is limited to one published stream, so that is probably the issue to begin with. You need a eval, subscription, perpetual or EC2 devpay license.


What, this old Flex example? It’s here for free.


Sorry, my fault, it was on a server of mine that was terminated by AWS because the instance type (32bit m1-small) was deprecated. I will have to dig it up and post it somewhere else.


I found it and attached it to this post


You’re welcome. Enjoy.



This is really just an example, a starting place and/or reference for development. It is very basic, there is not a newer version of it. For production chat system take look at these options, which all work with Wowza:


Sorry, that’s a defunct domain, but I attached the same files to the top of this thread


I overlooked your instruction to restart the server. Once done, it now works on my server. The only item I would want to change is to have the software point to my demain when it loads rather than defaulting to your. I suspect I can change that somewhere without the need to modify the flex???

I’ve only tested it locally but will put a page on my site and test it from there next.

Thank you so much for your effort - Jimb

Thanks again for more information. I did download the package and tried using the new AVChat.swf In my case it did not work.

I’m sure it’s due to my configuration. My personal website is on a hosting service but the Wowza server is located here on my LAN. I’ve simply created an additional DNS record that points to the fixed I/P address at my location and then have my router send all port 1935 traffic to the computer running the Wowza server.

I’ll just explain to my friends that they need to replace your RTMP address with mine. This will work very nicely for me for now

Regards - Jimb

Richard, did you take a look to Adobe Flash Collaboration Service (formerly “Cocomo”) ? What do you think about ?

My bad, I thought your example was to handle chat rooms with lots of guests. That’s why I told you about AFCS …

Do you happen to still have the chat’s fla file? I am trying to make a similar application but one that has several video boxes at once. Thanks.

Ahhhh. I dont have flex. Guess I can try the demo. The part I really wanted to try and utilize was your part where it keeps track of the users connected. I was going to use a bit of PHP and flash vars to feed in this info but obviously that is not a very good solution but my java skills are 0.

This would allow me to populate the cameras on this page properly.

(There are 2 publish buttons the top actually publishes your camera the bottom subscribes to the other cameras (currently locked to names cam1 cam2 etc.)

This version does not function properly yet without a webcam.

The basic thing I am trying for is to allow up to 7 people join a room and provide a name. Once in it connect and then starts the stream of anyone else in the room so they can hear one another (could be less if there is a performance issue). A bonus would be to include a text chat as well. This is more of a friends and family type project not one to re-sell but share.