Wowza Community

Wowza Streming for China?


I am using Wowza Cloud on Fastly to Stream to my viewers in China. Will they be able to play back the HLS link that is provided through ? Or do they need to allow any other domain through their firewall.


Yes, for streams being delivered by Fastly, is the correct URL to allow. However, please note that this is the URL used to deliver streams for all Wowza Streaming Cloud customers, not just yours.

Also, as Rose has noted, Fastly does not have POPs in China, so the content will be delivered from another datacenter in Asia - whichever is able to provide the best performance for each viewer.

I hope this helps!

I’ve asked our Steaming Cloud manager to please answer this for you. Currently Fastly nor any other CDN provider (Akamai) we offer have servers in China. He will respond shortly, thanks…

Thank You for your immediate reply. My main concern is to deliver the streamed content to mainland China, so what would be the recommended stream target to deliver from? Fastly or Akamai? Could you please be a little more specific about the CDN that is used to deliver in China?

Our CDN does not include China edge servers. That is for both Akamai and Fastly. We do however have Singapore and South Korea as the closest instance regions. Firewalls in China: This is not something we cannot control or offer advice on at Wowza.

My advice would be to submit a support ticket and the engineers can look at your workflow and make suggestions for the either the closest edge server outside of China or even may suggest you look into Streaming Engine with Alibaba.