Wowza Community

HttpRefererValidate questions

I followd this document to check refer to stop any invalid http request. It works.

But when I change some configurations of this module, it seems that it does not take effects immediately. I have to wait for about 60s when these configurations get to work.

Is there any cache or something for this module?

In addition, I find a property of this module --‘refererValidateSessionValidDuration’. What does this property mean? Is there any connectoins to my problem?

Hello @joey li, sorry for your issues, let me check with my team and I will respond shortly.

I have this doc for you @joey li.


Duration (in milliseconds) during which a session is valid. This is the maximum time between when the player loads and when the stream is started. (default: 60000)

Please let me know if this helped you- thanks!

You can change the default settings here for that property:

Thanks, it really helps

Here is my another question:

First, I do not set referer-check open, so I successfully open the video without a vaild referer . It is great.

Second, I set referer-check open, and I successfully open the video without a vaild referer as well. In a few seconds(abouts 60s) later, it works. I can not open the video any longer.

It seems the refere-check configuration does not work immediately(always delay 60s).


If I am understanding you correctly, you wold need to change the default of 60000 (ms) in the property I shared above. Have you tried that?

You can submit a support ticket if you would like to have tech support assist you with modifying that property.