Wowza Community

Cmafstreamingpacketizer - dash stream is missing audio


I have configured a Wowza application to deliver HLS and DASH. My Applicaion.xml is below.

I have a start-up stream pointing to this application. I can playout HLS and LL-HLS, the audio works fine, however dash manifest only includes video rendition, audio is missing.

Below are the playlists my application generates.

I do not see any error messages in the logs.

Do you have any suggestions as what I need to change to enable audio playback for DASH or what steps I could take to troubleshoot further?

Many thanks,

GET http :// localhost:1935/basic3/


GET http :// localhost:1935/basic3/


GET http : // localhost:1935/basic3/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPD xmlns:xsi=""
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
    <AdaptationSet id="0" group="1" mimeType="video/mp4" width="640" height="360" par="16:9" frameRate="25" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" subsegmentAlignment="true" subsegmentStartsWithSAP="1">
        <SegmentTemplate timescale="90000" media="segment_un3kf01jl_ctvideo_cfcmfv_rid$RepresentationID$_cs$Time$_mpd.cmfv" initialization="segment_un3kf01jl_ctvideo_cfcmfv_rid$RepresentationID$_cinit_mpd.cmfv">
                <S t="30609720000" d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
        <Representation id="p0va0br232672" codecs="avc1.4d0029" sar="1:1" bandwidth="232672" />
<UTCTiming schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2014" value="2024-01-26T15:39:26.237Z"/>

GET http :// localhost:1935/basic3/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPD xmlns:xsi=""
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
    <AdaptationSet id="0" group="1" mimeType="video/mp4" width="640" height="360" par="16:9" frameRate="25" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" subsegmentAlignment="true" subsegmentStartsWithSAP="1">
        <SegmentTemplate timescale="90000" media="segment_un3kf01jl_ctvideo_cfcmfv_rid$RepresentationID$_cs$Time$_mpd.cmfv" initialization="segment_un3kf01jl_ctvideo_cfcmfv_rid$RepresentationID$_cinit_mpd.cmfv">
                <S t="30600270000" d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
                <S d="90000"/>
        <Representation id="p0va0br232672" codecs="avc1.4d0029" sar="1:1" bandwidth="232672" />
<UTCTiming schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2014" value="2024-01-26T15:37:41.266Z"/>

My Application.xml is here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root version="1">
        <!-- Uncomment to set application level timeout values
            StorageDir path variables
            ${com.wowza.wms.AppHome} - Application home directory
            ${com.wowza.wms.ConfigHome} - Configuration home directory
            ${com.wowza.wms.context.VHost} - Virtual host name
            ${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome} - Virtual host home directory
            ${com.wowza.wms.context.Application} - Application name
            ${com.wowza.wms.context.ApplicationInstance} - Application instance name
            <!-- LiveStreamPacketizers (separate with commas): cupertinostreamingpacketizer, smoothstreamingpacketizer, sanjosestreamingpacketizer, mpegdashstreamingpacketizer, cupertinostreamingrepeater, smoothstreamingrepeater, sanjosestreamingrepeater, mpegdashstreamingrepeater, dvrstreamingpacketizer, dvrstreamingrepeater -->
            <LiveStreamPacketizers>cmafstreamingpacketizer, cupertinostreamingpacketizer</LiveStreamPacketizers>
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/Streams.xml for any streams types loaded by this application -->
            <!-- To turn on transcoder set to: transcoder -->
            <!-- [templatename].xml or ${SourceStreamName}.xml -->
            <!-- As a single server or as an origin, use dvrstreamingpacketizer in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
            <!-- Or, in an origin-edge configuration, edges use dvrstreamingrepeater in LiveStreamPacketizers above -->
            <!-- As an origin, also add dvrchunkstreaming to HTTPStreamers below -->
            <!-- If this is a dvrstreamingrepeater, define Application/Repeater/OriginURL to point back to the origin -->
            <!-- To turn on DVR recording set Recorders to dvrrecorder.  This works with dvrstreamingpacketizer  -->
            <!-- As a single server or as an origin, set the Store to dvrfilestorage-->
            <!-- edges should have this empty -->
            <!--  Window Duration is length of live DVR window in seconds.  0 means the window is never trimmed. -->
            <!-- Storage Directory is top level location where dvr is stored.  e.g. c:/temp/dvr -->
            <!-- valid ArchiveStrategy values are append, version, delete -->
            <!-- Properties for DVR -->
            <!-- VOD caption providers (separate with commas): vodcaptionprovidermp4_3gpp, vodcaptionproviderttml, vodcaptionproviderwebvtt,  vodcaptionprovidersrt, vodcaptionproviderscc -->
            <!-- Properties for TimedText -->
        <!-- HTTPStreamers (separate with commas): cupertinostreaming, smoothstreaming, sanjosestreaming, mpegdashstreaming, dvrchunkstreaming -->
            <!-- RTP/Authentication/[type]Methods defined in Authentication.xml. Default setup includes; none, basic, digest -->
            <!-- RTP/AVSyncMethod. Valid values are: senderreport, systemclock, rtptimecode -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/RTP.xml for any depacketizers loaded by this application -->
            <!--  Enable WebRTC publishing to this application -->
            <!-- Enable WebRTC playback from this application -->
            <!--  Enable query of published stream names for this application -->
            <!--  IP address, transport, and port used for WebRTC streaming. -->
            <!--TCP format: [wowza-streaming-engine-external-ip-address],tcp,[port] -->
            <!--UDP format: [wowza-streaming-engine-external-ip-address],udp -->
            <!-- Local IP address of the network card you want to use for WebRTC UDP traffic -->
            <!-- Comma-deliniated list of audio codecs, in order of preference, for stream ingestion -->
            <!-- Comma-deliniated list of video codecs, in order of preference, for stream ingestion -->
            <!-- Enable WebRTC debug logging -->
            <!-- Properties for WebRTC -->
                    <!-- udp, interleave -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaCasters.xml for any MediaCasters loaded by this applications -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaReaders.xml for any MediaReaders loaded by this applications -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/MediaWriter.xml for any MediaWriter loaded by this applications -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/LiveStreamPacketizers.xml for any LiveStreamPacketizers loaded by this applications -->
            <!-- Properties defined here will override any properties defined in conf/HTTPStreamers.xml for any HTTPStreamer loaded by this applications -->
            <!-- Properties defined are used by the Manager -->
                <Description>Client Logging</Description>
                <Description>Core Security Module for Applications</Description>
        <!-- Properties defined here will be added to the IApplication.getProperties() and IApplicationInstance.getProperties() collections -->
