Wowza Community

Error occurs when trying to connect to server

Hey guys!

I get these errors when trying to connect and start the live stream:

2017-09-18 12:51:49.507326+0300 ToneItUpTrainer_Dev[428:143722] WowzaGoCoderSDK: Socket connect with err = 36 2017-09-18 12:51:49.508557+0300 ToneItUpTrainer_Dev[428:143219] WowzaGoCoderSDK: Broadcast Message: WOWZ Connection Error Broadcast status: Broadcast shutting down 2017-09-18 12:51:49.509110+0300 ToneItUpTrainer_Dev[428:143219] WowzaGoCoderSDK: WZH264Encoder - stopBroadcastingInternal 2017-09-18 12:51:49.509204+0300 ToneItUpTrainer_Dev[428:143219] WowzaGoCoderSDK: Video Device - stop broadcasting 2017-09-18 12:51:49.510929+0300 ToneItUpTrainer_Dev[428:143219] wowza error : Status is idle , error is “An error occurred when trying to connect to host:” (code = 15)

I have done all the configs (the validate function comes out ok). I’ve set the username, password, everything.

We also have a method to fetch the state of the live stream object and I’m only trying to connect to the STARTED backend live stream object.

Does anyone have a lead on this? I’m in the dark with it.

Hell Danut,

I see you have also submitted a support case on this issue with our Developer Support team. While it may appear to be an issue tied with Wowza Cloud (since this was posted in the Wowza Cloud forum section), the issue is actually tied to the SDK setup in your case. Michelle will continue to work with you and your SDK configuration via the support ticket.

