Wowza Community

Illegal license notice on wowza player

Hi there

We signed up for the streaming engine developer license and trying to test a stream on the wowza player. Is the license key we need for player same as Streaming engine license? We used that license but is getting a Invalid license key error on player builder. If not where can we get a player license?

No, @Subramanian Raj the Engine license key is not the same key you need for the player.

You should have received a 2nd email with your player key. I’ll check with billing and have them resend it to you.

Is it the same email address as the one you are using here in the forums?

I had recieved one email with license key for streaming engine, I did not recieved second email for player. I am using the trial version for testing purpose

Ok that is unfortunate, I will have that looked into right now. I am sending your player key in a private email to the email address you have here in the forums? If that is not the email address then please let me know the correct email address at

Hi Rose
please send me the email with the player’s license key. i just received an email containing Engine license key.
Thank you. my email