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iOS mobile app stream not get the full screen view, this error some time occur in random, How to we fix this..? Please any one help us...!

iOS mobile app stream not get the full screen view, this error some time occur in random, How to we fix this…? Please any one help us…!

1.Stream start working good and we can get the stream is work fine , but Wowza player view not get the full screen in mobile.

2.In iPhone to get the stream if we set the video width and height in app side or set in server or Wowza Stream Engine…,

please give the one better solution as soon as possible…!

Unfortunately the preview size will be chosen by the iOS device and can’t be changed on our side. You can change it on the app side @Kumar Ramar.

If you select 480x720 as an example, iOS will choose the next available supported frame size for your video preview, then we’ll scale the video to the set broadcast size.

e.g. for my iPhone device it selects 1280x720 for my preview size then we will scale down to the broadcast size of 480x720.

019-01-29 16:48:00.327011-0800 iOSSDKBroadcast[16652:9702825] WowzaGoCoderSDK: correctBufferOrientation: transforming frames:
x-scale = 0.56
y-scale = 0.56
x-translate = 437.50
y-translate = 0.00
outWidth = 1280
outHeight = 720
angle = 0
broadcast orientation = 0
2019-01-29 16:48:00.327265-0800 iOSSDKBroadcast[16652:9702825] WowzaGoCoderSDK: correctBufferOrientation: scaling frame for non-canonical config:
frameScale = 0.56
outWidth = 480
outHeight = 720
x-translate = 0.00
y-translate = 0.00

You’ll need to set your frame size like this if you want to broadcast 480x720: (Again only as an example).

    goCoderBroadcastConfig.videoWidth = 480;
    goCoderBroadcastConfig.videoHeight = 720;

The iOS device will only allow supported frame sizes for the SDK preview.

e.g. An iPhone 7+ only supports 720p and 1080p.