Wowza Community

Is it possible to know the bytes in and bytes out of each application using the rest api?

Hopefully I can get that using a curl call without using Wowza’s sdk

This is the current solution we offer for this:

We have an article on statistics:

From the article:

Get current statistics for an incoming stream

View current statistics for an incoming stream (myStream in this example):

curl -X GET --header 'Accept:application/json; charset=utf-8' --header 'Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8' http://localhost:8087/v2/servers/_defaultServer_/vhosts/_defaultVHost_/applications/live/instances/_definst_/incomingstreams/myStream/monitoring/current

The command should return a response that looks something like this (if the application is running, you should see real values, not zeros):

   "serverName": "_defaultServer_",
   "uptime": 0,
   "bytesIn": 0,
   "bytesOut": 0,
   "bytesInRate": 0,
   "bytesOutRate": 0,
   "totalConnections": 0,
   "connectionCount": {
      "RTMP": 0,
      "MPEGDASH": 0,
      "CUPERTINO": 0,
      "SANJOSE": 0,
      "SMOOTH": 0,
      "RTP": 0
   "applicationInstance": "_definst_",
   "name": "myStream"

Thank you so so so much, that’s all I need.

Oh good @Elie Obeid, happy I could help.