Wowza Community

Looking for a consultant to help with Wowza Streaming Engine

I have a Live Streaming service that provides High School and Prep Schools Video Streaming of their events. I am trying to setup Wowza to utilize SRT in and RTMP out for direct video to my portal. Then I will have SRT in and SRT out to an OBS for remote broadcasting. I currently have encoders that can send SRT broadcast just struggling to get the rest of the configuration to work. The workout season starts next month and schools are looking for this service now.

James Fleet

Hi @James_Fleet, drop me an email ( and we’ll see if we can help you.


i will do it right now!

Hey @Karel_Boek I sent an email to that address.

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Hello @Karel_Boek will you be available soon to discuss my solution. I really need to figure this out ASAP.

Hi @James_Fleet, I emailed you back on Sat, but apparently that email hasn’t gone through. Let me try again.