Wowza Community

network failure help me

Hello, my broadcast starts to freeze after 1,000 viewers. What should I do for this? I think my server’s internet is insufficient

What protocol are you using for playback? WebRTC or HLS?

Typically, you want the bandwidth to be 2 and 1/2 times the total bitrate of your stream to prevent buffering or freezing of the stream.

  • You may need more bandwidth.
  • You may need to tune your server to increase capacity for more viewers.
  • You may need to reduce the bitrate on the publishing side.
  • You may need to increase your server’s capacity.

Let me provide you with some guidance. You can also send a support ticket for an accurate diagnosis where we can 100% pinpoint the issue without guessing- as we do in the forums.

To prevent buffering and freezing of stream, go HERE.

To tune your server and Java to handle the 1000 viewers, go HERE.