Wowza Community

NEW TODAY: Streaming Engine 4.8.12

Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.12 is available today. Here’s what’s new:

Error-free Frames:
In an effort to prevent damaged video from reaching your viewers, we’ve added the ability to replace corrupt video files with error-free frames. Using the EnforceStrictDecodeSuccess property in a Transcoder template, you can replace corrupt frames with error-free frames for H.264 video and Beamr decoding. This will allow you to optimize media processing through a balance of reliability and quality.

Deprecation of Adobe HDS and Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
With the end-of-life of Adobe Flash Player and Microsoft Smooth Streaming, Wowza will no longer be supporting Adobe HDS and Smooth Streaming.

  • By default, Adobe HDS and Smooth Streaming are disabled in new applications created​.
  • Applications created in earlier versions of Wowza Streaming Engine are unchanged after upgrading to Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.12​.

NOTE: There are a total of 16 bug fixes in this release, so please be sure to check the full list in the 4.8.12 release notes.

Changes since Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.11

  • Added a new Transcoder template property to enable replacing corrupt video frames with the last successfully decoded frame (see release notes for the location)
  • Deprecated Adobe HDS streaming. By default, Adobe HDS is disabled in new applications.
  • Deprecated Microsoft Smooth Streaming. By default, Microsoft Smooth Streaming is disabled in new applications.
  • Removed the cupertinoAllowNotFoundOnEmptyMediaList property that allowed returning an empty master playlist.
  • Updated the default value of Flash Version String to fix an issue with connecting to Elemental Live encoders.
  • Fixed an issue with RTCP sender reports not being sent for TCP transports used by RTSP players.
  • Fixed an issue with setting an incorrect report count in WebRTC and RTSP receiver reports.
  • Fixed an issue with reporting invalid data in RTSP receiver reports.
  • Fixed an issue with SRTP authentication and decryption failing due to large amounts of lost or out-of-order packets that could cause a slow memory leak when HLS (cupertinostreamingpacketizer) is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with reporting duplicate rendition reports (#EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT) for adaptive bitrate Low-Latency HLS streams.
  • Fixed an issue with not reporting all renditions and having incorrect URLs in rendition reports (#EXT-X-RENDITION-REPORT) for adaptive bitrate Low-Latency HLS streams.
  • Fixed an issue with decoder resampling of G.711, MP3, and Opus audio sources.
  • Fixed an issue with USB license keys not being used in some network configurations.
  • Fixed an issue with logging CencInfo that resulted in a Null Pointer Exception.
  • Fixed an issue with the dvrPurgeControlClass property (PROPERTY_PURGE_CONTROL_CLASS) not loading the class as defined by users.
  • Fixed an issue with custom StreamRecorder properties not appearing in the Custom properties list in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager after adding them to an application.

Download Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.12 today.

To get started, download the installer from the Downloads page, or download the updater from the “My Downloads” tab after you log into your Wowza Account.