Wowza Community


I’m having issues with the REST API. Wowza Streaming Engine Manager shows 593 HLS connections for an application. However, when I try and get connection counts for individual streams within that application using the REST API, each stream shows 0 connections. Where is the 593 number coming from? Why does it seem to increase gradually over time and never goes down? The REST API in general is incredibly slow and is there not a single endpoint to get stream statistics? Right now I have to get a list of all the streams and then run a loop for each stream which is incredibly slow.

Hi Michael,

you may try to use WSE built in HTTP provider to get the stats instead of REST API. It will return XML with viwers per stream and total number of viwers for application.
Providers’s URL is: http ://

Yeah I ended up using that. The REST API just seems slow and lacking some some features.