Wowza Community

Sandbox API error


I tried to use the API on Sandbox server but it doesn’t seems to work. This is what I get : The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.

I’m able to get status on production server so my credentials are ok I guess.

Is there an issue with sandbox or I doing it wrong ?

Method : Get
Headers : wsc-api-key and wsc-access-key

Sandbox is not designed for production and will not work. It’s designed for practice and testing API calls in a non-production environment.

Thank you for the answer. So it’s normal to receive an error (503) Server Unavailable ?
How can I use the sandbox environment ? I want to test my script before using it on production.

What Sandbox server are you using? We don’t currently have a Sanndbox option at Wowza. I’m happy to help you out and understand you want to test.

Can you share what you are using @Thierry_Fontaine1?