Wowza Community

SMIL Playlist api

Hi team,
There is an api for creating the smil file( But I need to pass the playlist and stream name in the api. Please help out of this,


Hello, stream names go in the “src” field

When you create a smil file for playback you use that when fetching the playlist like this:
http://[ address ]:1935/myApplication/smil:myStream.smil/playlist.m3u8

I need an api for this scheduled playlist api

    <stream name="Stream1"></stream>
    <stream name="Stream2"></stream>

    <playlist name="pl1" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="5" length="5"/>
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="50" length="5"/>
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="150" length="5"/>

    <playlist name="pl2" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:30:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="0" length="-1"/>

    <playlist name="pl3" playOnStream="Stream2" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="30" length="5"/>


Please do needful. TIA

Check out the module documentation and source. It will be useful.

It is not an api documentation. I need an api service for creating smil playlist with the above mentioned specified format

I think you need to be more precise here. The document will help you build/form/discover the service.

OK, But i need to play the modified smil file without restarting the server. As per the documentation, it is not working

You also mentioned

i need to play the modified smil file without restarting the server. As per the documentation, it is not working

So it’s not very clear as to where exactly you are stuck.

first i need an api for this format

 <stream name="Stream1"></stream>
    <stream name="Stream2"></stream>

    <playlist name="pl1" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="5" length="5"/>
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="50" length="5"/>
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="150" length="5"/>

    <playlist name="pl2" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:30:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="0" length="-1"/>

    <playlist name="pl3" playOnStream="Stream2" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
        <video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="30" length="5"/>

Second, need to reload the schedule for the modified smil file

Please advise

Did you search reload schedule in the forums and Wowza docs? It’s been asked a few times before and we do have a doc on it. Just trying to save you time and frustration next time.

Reload a schedule

The following is an example request to reload the schedule.

curl http://localhost:8086/schedules?appName=myApplication&action=reloadSchedule

Do keep in mind that when you reload the schedule when the schedule is already running, it will go back to the very beginning of the file.

I hope this doc helps. Most changes to Engine are only made when you restart the service, but you might be able to get around that with the curl command.

Also the playlist format is a smil file. As explained earlier there is a rest api for creating smil files. For your exact playlist format you have to try it out yourself. There are others who have used the same api successfully.

The smil file is basically just a XML file. You can Veblen rest eit manually in a editor and put it on the server in the right location with right extension. Then load or reload the schedule via api calls,