Wowza Community

SSL Sertificate

I’m using Wowza Streming engine 4.7.3. So far, it has been running smoothly over HTTP. We added HTTPS to our site. Wowza Player is not working. My license does not appear in the list when I try to create SSL through my Wowza account. What should I do?

I would suggest you email and ask them to check your account. Due to privacy reasons. I have no access to your private license info. You can also ask why that license is not showing up and express your need to to download the free StreamLock SSL certificate for your account.

When you get it, please follow this tutorial to properly assign a port for the SSL cert in Engine or it will not work.

If I may make a suggestion from a technical perspective, please consider upgrading your Engine version. So many bug fixes and security vulnerabilities have been updated since 4.7.3. We are now on Engine version 4.8.13. The version you are on will still work, but you may run into some issues that have since been fixed, If you do upgrade, keep in mind Java 9 is now required for newer version of Engine.

Updating to Wowza Streaming Engine version 4.7.8 or later

Wowza Streaming Engine version 4.7.8 and later requires OpenJDK Java SE JRE 9.0.4 at a minimum, but supports up to Java version 12. Previous versions of Java, which were used by Wowza Streaming Engine 4.7.7 and earlier, aren’t supported. You must have Java SDK version 9 installed before running the updater.


thank you for your help. I upgraded it to wowza 4.8 version. I don’t see my license key on the wowza Account Settings screen, as in the attached image.

Hmm.,.that’s weird. Let me check why that may be. I’ll send you a private email so we can keep your account info private.

Did you buy a one month Engine license by any chance? SSL is not included in the one- month plan and I asked today that we make that more clear on the the pricing page.

Ok @cihad_yasar so the reason is your Maintenance & Support plan has expired on your perpetual license, you will need to renew that before you can renew or request any new SSL certs.

Please contact for assistance in renewing that. I can’t do that for you unfortunately.

By the way in that screenshot you sent me, click on the PRODUCTS tab and it will give you more info on that Maintenance & Support plan.