Wowza Community

Streamstatus via REST API


how can I find out the status of a stream via REST API? So whether the status is “Waiting for Stream” or “Active”. The best thing would be to find out why “Waiting for Stream”.
Unfortunately I could not find this information in the documentation.

Greetings and Health

Hi @Tobias_Schneider, happy to help you out here-
Using the REST API, you should be able to get the status of an incoming stream using the following endpoint:


You could try this as well- same thing but a different way to explain it:


Hence, replacing the [applicationName] field with your own application name will allow you to query any application of your choice to see the status

HI @Rose_Power-Wowza_Com,

thanks for your fast response.
i recieve

and for
http://[wowzaIP]:8087/v2/servers/ defaultServer /vhosts/ defaultVHost /applications/[applicationName]/instances/ definst /incomingstreams/[streamName]/monitoring/current
i recieve:

The teststream had the status “Waiting for stream”.
How do i get the Statusinformation?


Someone has an idea how to get the information?

I think I have found the solution.
In the path /v2/servers/{serverName}/vhosts/{vhostName}/applications/{appName}/instances/{instanceName}/incomingstreams/{streamName} there is the solution.
If isConnected=false then it is “Waiting for Stream”
if true then “Active”

Thanks for the help