Wowza Community

Wowza EngineManager works very slowly on MacOS Sierra


Thanks for contacting Wowza Forums!

From the description, your Mac is saturating resources, causing the Manager to respond slowly.

Can you confirm the following:

  • Are you watching the resources while running Manager?

  • Confirm your Mac meets the hardware specs listed HERE

  • Confirm you have no other applications running in the background?

  • The ports Wowza is using, are they open and not being used by other applications? Ports

  • Have you read this article on performance tuning? This may help. Located HERE



Hi Jermaine,

I have the same exact problem after installing Wowza 4.6.0 on macOS Sierra 10.12.3. The UI in the browser is extremely sluggish and every action takes very long (20-60 seconds) that makes the UI unusable.

Are you watching the resources while running Manager?

There is plenty of extra heap allocated to both Manager and Engine. No heap pressure here. Checked the JMX.

Confirm your Mac meets the hardware specs listed HERE

Sure. No issues here.

Confirm you have no other applications running in the background?


The ports Wowza is using, are they open and not being used by other applications? Ports

None of Wowza ports are in use by other applications.

Have you read this article on performance tuning? This may help. Located HERE

Yes, but the article is about how to tune Wowza engine with Wowza manager. Currently the manager itself is unusable out of the box.

Any help would be appreciated in order to hopefully get Wowza working during the trial period.

Also checked the logs (both manager and engine) including DEBUG logs. Nothing stands out.


Installed Wowza on my new iMac with OS Sierra and have the same problem :frowning:

Same for me

trajano:bin root# ./ 

Fri, 5 May 2017 16:26:17 129 GMT, BootStrap Info: Home Directory=/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.0/manager/lib

Fri, 5 May 2017 16:26:17 150 GMT, BootStrap Info: Main-Class=net.winstone.Winstone

2017-05-05 18:26:17,238 [main] INFO  net.winstone.boot.BootStrap  - stage 1/3: Loading arguments...

2017-05-05 18:26:17,240 [main] INFO  net.winstone.boot.BootStrap  - stage 2/3: Loading WebApplication configuration...

2017-05-05 18:26:17,240 [main] INFO  net.winstone.boot.BootStrap  - stage 3/3: compute JSP classpath...

2017-05-05 18:26:17,277 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.HostConfiguration  - Beginning extraction from war file

2017-05-05 18:26:17,295 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.WebXmlParser  - Found and enabled the local Servlet 2.5 XSD replacement

2017-05-05 18:26:17,505 [main] WARN  net.winstone.core.WebXmlParser  - XML Error (Line 2): El documento no es válido: no se ha encontrado la gramática.

2017-05-05 18:26:17,505 [main] WARN  net.winstone.core.WebXmlParser  - XML Error (Line 2): El elemento raíz del documento "web-app", debe coincidir con la raíz DOCTYPE "null".

2017-05-05 18:26:17,595 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.WebAppConfiguration  - Access logging disabled - no logger class defined

Configure logging: file:///Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener OS Name: Mac OS X: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener OS Version: 10.12.4: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener OS Architecture: x86_64: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Version: 1.8.0_77: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java VM Version: 25.77-b03: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Spec Version: 1.8: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Home: /Library/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.0/jre: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Max Heap Size: 3641MB: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Architecture: 64: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Locale[user.language]: es: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Locale[]: ES: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Locale[file.encoding]: UTF-8: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Timezone[user.timezone]: Europe/Madrid: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Args[0]: -Dcom.wowza.wms.ConfigURL="": 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Args[1]: -Dcom.wowza.wms.ConfigHome=/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Args[2]: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Args[3]: -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/ 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.logging.Log4jStartupListener Java Args[4]: 

2017-05-05 18:26:17,719 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.WebAppConfiguration  - webapp Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext

SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.

SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.0/manager/lib/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]

SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.0/manager/temp/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]

SLF4J: See for an explanation.

  INFO org.hibernate.validator.util.Version Hibernate Validator null

  INFO com.wowza.wms.server.ManagerConfiguration Loading configuration from /Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/Manager.xml: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.server.ManagerConfiguration Loading configuration from /Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/conf/Manager.xml: 

  INFO com.wowza.wms.webapp.RequestLoggingFilter RequestLoggingFilter disabled, no HTTP requests will be logged: 

2017-05-05 18:26:19,302 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.WebAppConfiguration  - webapp Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'wowzaapp'

may 05, 2017 6:26:19 PM org.apache.jasper.EmbeddedServletOptions <init>

ADVERTENCIA: Warning: Invalid value for the initParam fork. Will use the default value of "true"

2017-05-05 18:26:19,536 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.HostConfiguration  - Deploy web application: prefix [/enginemanager] webroot [/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/temp]

2017-05-05 18:26:19,551 [main] INFO  net.winstone.core.listener.HttpListener  - HTTP Listener started: port=8088

2017-05-05 18:26:19,555 [LauncherControlThread[ControlPort=-1]]] INFO  net.winstone.Server  - Winstone Servlet Engine v1.0.5 running: controlPort=disabled

Fri, 5 May 2017 16:26:19 555 GMT, BootStrap Info: Exit

2017-05-05 18:26:54,421 [RequestHandlerThread[1]] WARN  net.winstone.core.listener.RequestHandlerThread  - Request URL / not found - doesn't match any webapp prefix

  WARN ResourceBundle [advancedTables] not found for MessageSource: Can't find bundle for base name advancedTables, locale es_ES

2017-05-05 18:27:04,253 [RequestHandlerThread[6]] ERROR net.winstone.core.listener.RequestHandlerThread  - Socket read timed out - exiting request handler thread Read timed out

	at Method)






	at javax.servlet.ServletInputStream.readLine(

	at net.winstone.core.WinstoneInputStream.readLine(

	at net.winstone.core.listener.HttpListener.parseURI(


	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$


	at net.winstone.util.BoundedExecutorService$

	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


  INFO rest REST API: Authentication: Successful login for:admin: 

Same problem here.

We are having this same issue. Looking back through this chain this started all the way back in nov of 16’ on the previous version of wowza. And apparently it is still an issue on the newest version. Can we please get some feedback on when this is going to be resolved on this forum. We will submit a support ticket as well, but obviously having been an issue for this long, it may be helpful to make some specific information available as to what’s causing the issue and any potential work arounds.

Same here. Thought it was a problem with an older version of WMSE but updated to the latest and still having the same problem.

I have the same problem with Wowza 4.7.0, MacOS 10.12.5.

It’s imposible to work with it.

I’m having the same issue. The Manager hangs at every stage … login, running tests, etc. I’ve tried 4.6.0 and 4.7.0 under Sierra. Sometimes it’ll time out logging in. Sometimes you can get past that, but it will time out if you try to test a stream, display applications, or do anything else with the interface.

Then I tried installing in an El Capitan partition under Parallels. That worked fine. This is clearly an issue with Wowza running under Sierra, and the complaints appear to be going back 6 months.


For everyone on this thread, we are continuing to investigate the root cause of these issues.

A partial fix has been posted here, that takes care of some of the Start-up timing issues that some of you may be facing:

For those of you for whom this fix does not alleviate all of the issues, can you post whether or not you are using a MacBookPro with a Touch Bar?

I also want to make sure that all parties on this thread know that for any serious issue please do submit a support ticket here:

For any issue that is time sensitive.


Jason Hatchett
Wowza Support Engineer


In working with one of the responders on this thread, it has been discovered that the Slow Manager responses are tied to a permissions error that is possibly created in the update to Sierra on OSx.

Internally we are working on a Known Issues posting that will likely end up being posted here:

After checking a working system’s directories permissions against one showing the issue the following was discovered.

The difference was in /manager/logs/ and /manager/temp/, which had everyone set to rw. (Same for the subdirectories of those two directories). On the malfunctioning install please change the permissions for those two directories to be:

/manager/logs/ system rw wheel r everyone r
/manager/temp/ system rw wheel r everyone r

… and also applied those permissions changes to the contents of those directories. Started Streaming Engine, started the Manager, saw that it was working properly.

Thanks go out to Ronald for working with our team to discover the underlying issue.


Jason Hatchett
Wowza Support Engineer

HI, I have the same problem running a fresh copy of your software (Engine Version: build20446) in a Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.5 running on a MacBook Pro 2016 with TouchBar.

My permissions looks to be fine. Is it something regarding with the touch bar?

Hello Benito,

It is unclear if the Touchbar itself is affecting these issues, but in some deep testing with another client their machines with the Touchbar presented the issue while their other devices did not.

It is best if you are still facing issues to submit a support ticket here:


Jason Hatchett
Wowza Support Engineer


I also wanted to point to these tow important articles covering the issues being described here:

As well as this forum thread:


Jason Hatchett
Wowza Support Engineer

For those still experiencing this issue, I’ve found a fix that worked for me using this answer concerning issues with Java/Sierra on stackoverflow

For those to lazy to click the link, run this in your terminal:

sudo sed -i bak "s^127\.0\.0\.1.*^ localhost $(hostname)^g" /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i bak "s^::1.*^::1 localhost $(hostname)^g" /etc/hosts
sudo ifconfig en0 down
sudo ifconfig en0 up

And you should be back in business.

this worked for me

Thanks a lot man

Very good

Thank you

Thanks, this worked for me :slight_smile:

That is crazy! It went from like 10.1 seconds to 100 ms response time on the queries. What was that about?
That sounds like somebody’s querying the hostname from the system and is using it as the default config, and only after time out of 10 seconds, it’s trying localhost.
Who’s doing that, the manager, right? Isn’t there a config file where we can just put localhost and circumvent this whole hostname issue?
I mean it works, but it’s a workaround at best.