Create or revoke a player token in Wowza Video

Player tokens are required if you don't want to deploy the iframe or JavaScript embed codes generated by Wowza Video that are available when you share a videolive stream, or playlist, but intend to set up a standalone JavaScript based setup. The token authorizes use of the player.

Create a token

  1. Click Tokens under Players in the navigation.
  2. Click New token.
  3. Enter a name for the token.
  4. Optionally, enter up to two domains where you want to restrict playback. If you don't enter any domain, the token will be usable anywhere. The domain restriction is encoded into the token and cannot be changed after it has been created.
  5. Click Create token.

Revoke a token

  1. Click Tokens under Players in the navigation.
  2. Select a player token from the Player Tokens list.
  3. Click Revoke token. A Revoke token confirmation window displays.
  4. Click Revoke token. Revoking a token will immediately disable all embedded players using the token.

For details on the player tokens, review the Token Setup page article.

Manual JS setup with hosted configurations

You can use the managed player configurations (and platform mediaids) with manual Javascript setups by using the Wowza Video integration plugin.