Token management page in Wowza Video

This article introduces the different parts of the Token Management page to help you find your way around the Wowza Video user interface.  Access tokens are used with integrations, including API integrations.

There are two types of access tokens:

Personal Access Token – Available to all users with a Wowza Video license. These tokens are specific to a user and can be used in API calls to do quick tests or manual actions that don't need to persist if the user leaves the organization.

System Access Token – Available to organization owners to generate. These tokens are specific to the organization and transcend individual users who come into and leave an organization. For this reason, system access tokens are best used for integrations that go into production environments and need to persist after specific users leave an organization. 

If you're an org owner, you can manage your organization's system and personal access tokens through the Token Management page. If you're a Wowza Video user, and not an org owner, you can generate a personal access token on the Token Management page.

To view the Token Management page, click your user profile in the upper left of any screen, then click Token Management under Organization


The following are the configuration options and definitions available to manage your org's personal and system access tokens:

  • My Tokens – A list of your personal access tokens. You can add and revoke the tokens.
    • Add New Personal Token – Generates a new personal access token for your use. Immediately after you create a token, you'll see a green box with the token. You must copy/paste and store this token immediately. You won't see the token again once you leave the page or refresh the page for security reasons. Create a new token if you lose your token.
      • Token Name – The owner of the token.
    • Revoke –  Revokes your personal token.
  • System Tokens – A list of system tokens that've been generated for the organization.  
    • Add New System Token – Generates a new system access token for use. Immediately after you create a token, you'll see a green box with the token. You must copy/paste and store this token immediately. You won't see the token again once you leave the page or refresh the page for security reasons. Create a new token if you lose the token.
      • Token Name – A descriptive name for the token.
    • Revoke – Revokes the system token.
  • Organization User Tokens – A list of personal access tokens other users in the organization have generated. 
    • Revoke – Revokes the personal token.

To learn how to manage access tokens for your users and you in Wowza Video, review the Manage Access Tokens article.