Archives for Sydney Roy (Whalen)

Sydney works for Wowza as a content writer and Marketing Communications Specialist, leveraging roughly a decade of experience in copywriting, technical writing, and content development. When observed in the wild, she can be found gaming, reading, hiking, parenting, overspending at the Renaissance Festival, and leaving coffee cups around the house.

RTMP vs. RTSP: Which Protocol Should You Choose? (Update)

July 18, 2024

The wide world of video streaming is complicated enough without needing to consider which ingest protocol best suits your goals. And if the term “ingest protocol” already has your head spinning, then strap in. It only…

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Video Use Cases for Churches and Other Houses of Worship

July 15, 2024

Stemming the tide of attribution, and subsequent decreases in donations, can often feel like an uphill battle. Just ask Orlando Grace Church pastors Jim Davis and Michael Graham who identified this troubling trend in their…

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Cloud, On-Premises, or Hybrid: Which Video Deployment Model Is Right for You? (Update)

July 10, 2024

You wouldn’t buy your next car without first asking yourself what you need, what you’d like, and what you can afford. You’d also likely ask yourself what you’re hoping to accomplish with a car long-term.…

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4 Tech Tips Made Easy for Live Streaming Church Services

June 7, 2024

Your last church service live stream left much to be desired. Between muffled audio and choppy, inaccurate subtitles, many remote listening congregants missed the message entirely. Others were treated to a helping of grainy video…

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Fan Engagement in Sports Streaming: Mastering Audience Growth

May 23, 2024

A successful sports industry or organization starts and ends with the fans, and fan engagement in sports streaming has become increasingly more critical in securing audience loyalty and growth. It’s therefore no wonder that sports…

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5 VOD Benefits You Could Be Missing Out On

April 25, 2024

Video on demand (VOD) is not only the future of streaming media, but also the past. Companies have been exploring and expanding on this technology for decades. In fact, if you’ve landed on this page,…

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Reinventing the Game: How to Repurpose Sports Live Streams

April 19, 2024

As Millennials and Gen Z increasingly turn away from traditional TV in favor of streaming media, it’s clear that the way in which audiences consume sports content is evolving. Already we’ve seen a huge pushes…

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AVOD: What Is It and How Is It Changing the Game?

April 4, 2024

AVOD, short for Advertising-based Video on Demand, is transforming how you access video content, making it easier and more cost-effective for publishers and consumers alike. This model integrates advertisements into your viewing experience, appearing before,…

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6 Ways to Increase Church Donations with Video

March 26, 2024

Imagine a virtual space where sermons resonate, communities grow, and the call to support meaningful causes echoes louder than ever. In this digital era, the intersection of faith and technology is not only redefining how…

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Smart City Trends to Watch for in 2024 and Beyond (Update)

March 20, 2024

Back when we first wrote this collection of smart city trends, it was amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The general sentiment at the time was that shut-down had put many smart city plans on hold. We…

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VOD Use Cases for Sports Entertainment

November 16, 2023

Some 12 years ago, I found myself lined up field-side at the New England Patriots training camp to watch players practice, run drills, and sign autographs. Not being a die-hard football fan, it took me…

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How VOD Streaming Works (Update)

November 10, 2023

When most people think of video streaming, they envision popular services like Netflix, Hulu, and DisneyPlus. These video-on-demand or VOD streaming services act as content platforms from which users can view pre-recorded videos at their…

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