Intelligent Video Solutions (IVS): Optimizing Infrastructure With Wowza Professional Service

Case Study: Intelligent Video Solutions (IVS)

Powering Interactive Mobile Experiences With Live Video

With more companies using video for training, simulation, and research, the demand for easy-to-manage streaming databases is higher than ever. Intelligent Video Solutions (IVS) provides streaming and content management capabilities to organizations of every size.


year-over-year growth that IVS has seen since introducing their Video Audio Learning Tool (VALT).


systems deployed, with more than 40,000 users across the globe.


audio-visual endpoints installed since the official launch in 2014.

Case Study Snapshot

Goals: Solutions: Outcomes:
  • Speed up development cycle when customizing Wowza’s products to individual customer needs.
  • Optimize architecture and gain familiarity with additional tools.
  • Find out how to better support stream monitoring, security, and synchronization.

  • Wowza Streaming Engine, a customizable media server software for deploying video on premises, behind a firewall, or entirely offline.



  • Accelerated development cycle by enlisting Wowza Professional Services.

  • Leveraged architecture recommendations and tools for troubleshooting specific scenarios.

  • Implemented sample code to solve for stream monitoring, security, and synchronization.

Improving the Ease of Video Database Management

If a picture paints a thousand words, then videos must fill libraries.

Cheesy clichés aside, the power of video in professional and educational settings is well documented. Surgeons rely on simulations to perfect their craft before a patient’s life is on the line. Police departments record interviews to ensure all that all evidence can be easily reviewed. Even market research analysts use streaming technology to conduct focus groups.

Intelligent Video Solutions (IVS) provides the software leveraged by these organizations for simulation, training, recording, and more. Their Video Audio Learning Tool (VALT) employs enterprise-class streaming technology so that users can easily stream and manage their video libraries without any IT headaches.

As the most reliable product in the company’s history, VALT was developed in 2013 by utilizing Wowza Streaming Engine. Recently, the IVS team wanted to solve more advanced challenges to improve performance. That’s where Wowza Professional Services entered the picture.

Screen-Shot: Health Care Simulation

Leveraging Expertise to Future-Proof Streaming Solutions

Founded by surveillance technology professionals, IVS started with the realization that there was a stark void in the industry when it came to video database solutions for clinical education, interview recording, and the like. IVS tapped into Wowza’s expertise to make their products better and easier to customize upon learning about Wowza Professional Services in 2019. This allowed IVS to accelerate time to success and more effectively address customer needs.

“Even with developers on staff that have been working with Wowza for years, Wowza Professional Services provided a level of expertise that we wouldn’t otherwise have access to,” says Dustin Stern, VP of engineering at IVS. “Wowza’s team gave us architecture recommendations, information about tools we were unaware of, and example code for features that we’ve previously struggled to implement.”

In addition to saving costs, Wowza Professional Services helped IVS troubleshoot recurring obstacles and optimize their platform.

“Certain obstacles were slowing our development cycle. We were spending many hours researching as opposed to actually writing code,” explains Stern. “With Wowza Professional Services, that’s no longer the case”

Delivering Consistently High-Quality Streaming

IVS relies on Wowza Streaming Engine to deliver all live and on-demand streams within the VALT platform. Using Wowza’s recommendations for architecture and tuning, they provide the best software deployment and viewing experience possible — no matter the scale or use case. Their easy-to-manage VALT platform empowers end users across a wide range of industries.

By working with Wowza directly, IVS improved their own ability to support customers. Whether serving a one-room system or entire campus, VALT can easily be customized to a variety of environments. The IVS team continues to improve this platform as customer needs evolve.

“We implemented additional functionality for stream monitoring, synchronization, latency, and scalability,” says Stern. “Since leveraging Wowza Professional Services, we’ve been able to fine-tune the VALT platform across all of these areas.”

It’s simple: By working with streaming industry experts, IVS was able to optimize their product in ways they didn’t know possible. This has allowed them to apply industry best practices and shorten the time required to develop new solutions.

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About Traci Ruether

Traci Ruether is a Colorado-based B2B tech writer with a background in streaming and network infrastructure. Aside from writing, Traci enjoys cooking, gardening, and spending quality time with her kith and kin. Follow her on LinkedIn at or learn more at