This article introduces the different parts of the Stream Target Setup page to help you find your way around the Wowza Video user interface.
The Stream Target Setup page helps you to create your stream target. There are four types of targets you can create.
You must have an Advanced Wowza Video user role on your user profile to see the Advanced section in our main navigation to use stream targets. An org owner can assign the Advanced Wowza Video user role to you so you can access transcoders and stream targets.You can get to the Stream Target Details page by clicking Stream Targets in the Advanced navigation, and selecting a stream target from the Stream Targets list.
Wowza CDN
A Wowza CDN target receives and delivers the stream through a Wowza CDN resource over HLS, by default. This type of target allows playback over iOS, Android, smart TVs, and HTML5-based players. With a Wowza CDN target you can:
- Add token authentication, geoblocking, and force SSL playback through the Wowza CDN Stream Target Details page under the Settings tab for a secure stream after you've created the target.
- Create a Wowza CDN stream target in Wowza Video to use with Wowza Streaming Engine to distribute your stream to viewers.
Optionally, you can send an MPEG-DASH stream for digital rights management (DRM) use on Google and Microsoft devices.
- Target Name – A short, descriptive name for the target to identify it in Wowza Video. The Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
- Delivery Protocols – Protocols the target can deliver for stream playback.
See Protect streams for Google Widevine and Microsoft PlayReady devices with EZDRM and the Wowza Video REST API for information about MPEG-DASH and digital rights management in Wowza Video.
Note: If you select more than one protocol, you'll incur egress charges for each additional protocol you select.
Viewer data for Wowza CDN stream targets is available in near-real time.
- Enable a Custom Origin – Select this option to connect the Wowza CDN stream target to a Wowza Streaming Engine (WSE) instance. You must have a WSE subscription to use this option. If you use this configuration, you won't add this stream target to a transcoder since you're using WSE as your transcoder instead of Wowza Video.
- Region – The geographical region where the Wowza Streaming Engine instance is located. The Region can't be changed after the stream target is created.
- Custom Origin URL – The IP address or domain name of the Wowza Streaming Engine server. Supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. The Custom Origin URL can't be changed after the stream target is created.
Facebook Live target
Wowza Video can send streams to Facebook to be broadcast on your timeline with the Facebook Live Video publishing tool.
- Continue with Facebook - A button that allows you to connect to your Facebook account. Enter your credentials in the pop-up window, and then click Log In.
- Target Name – A short, descriptive name for the target to identify it in Wowza Video. The Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
- Title – A title to appear with the stream on Facebook. It must be a maximum of 255 characters. Emojis are not supported.
- Description – A description to appear with the stream on Facebook. Emojis are not supported.
- Video Destination – The location where you want to post the stream on Facebook. You can stream to your Timeline.
- Privacy – When posting the stream to your timeline, specify the Facebook privacy setting that determines who can watch your stream: just you (Only me), Friends, Friends of Friends, or all Facebook users (Public).
All fields aren't editable after you create the target except for the Target Name.
LinkedIn Live target
Send streams from Wowza Video for playback on LinkedIn Live.
- Stream to LinkedIn as a – If you're streaming from a personal account, select Person. If you're streaming from the LinkedIn page of an organization, select Organization. After you've signed in to LinkedIn, you'll select the organization you want to stream to from the Organization field.
- Sign in to LinkedIn - A button to grant the Wowza Video service authorization to post videos to LinkedIn on your behalf.
- Target Name – A short, descriptive name for the target to identify it in Wowza Video. The Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
- Title – A title to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. It can't exceed 255 characters. Emojis are not supported.
- Description – A description to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. It can't exceed 1300 characters. Emojis are not supported.
- Region – Select the region that is closest to the broadcast location of your transcoder.
All fields aren't editable after you create the target except for the Target Name.
Custom target
Wowza Video can use the RTMP protocol to deliver streams to custom targets. The custom target can be a third-party CDN or any RTMP destination or host, such as YouTube.
Note: Look for the information you need to create a custom target in the ingestion settings provided by the target's software or documentation.
- Target Name – A short, descriptive name for the target that helps you differentiate it from other targets in Wowza Video and identify its purpose. A Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
- Provider – Using the pop-up list, choose the third-party CDN provider that you're targeting. Choose RTMP or RTMPS if your target isn't one of the listed providers.
- Primary URL – The RTMP ingest URL of the target, without the preceding protocol and without the trailing slash (/). For example, [domain-or-ip-address]/[EntryPoint]. Hostnames can't contain underscores (_).
- Stream Name – The name of the stream as defined in your target's ingestion settings.
- Target Username – The name or ID that your target uses for RTMP authentication.
- Target Password – The password that's used with your Target Username for RTMP authentication.
- Confirm Target Password – The password that's used with your Target Username for RTMP authentication.
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