Ad schedule details page in Wowza Video

This article introduces the different parts of the Ad Schedule Details page to help you find your way around the Wowza Video user interface. 

Ad schedules allow you to define at which time an ad plays in a feature video. You'll use the schedule to add multiple timed ads to a player configuration which will then apply to all video clips shown with this player. You can create as many ad schedules as you want and as many player configurations as you want. This makes configuring different advertising setups easy and flexible.

  • Ad Schedule Timeline – Your configured ad schedule plotted on a horizontal timeline. When you hover over an ad dot, details display about it.
  • + Add Pre-Roll Ad – Includes a preconfigured ad tag which fetches an ad before the start of the video to play before the feature video.
    • Type  – The ad is the following type:
      • Linear  –  The ads run in a sequential order together with the video. For example, similar to how TV ads run during a show you're watching.
    • Trash can Icon – This icon deletes a Pre-Roll configuration.
  • + Add Mid-Roll Ad – Includes a preconfigured ad tag which fetches an ad at the given position to play during the feature video.
    • Type  – The ad is one of the following types:
      • Linear  – The ads run in a sequential order together with the video. For example, similar to how TV ads run during a show you're watching.
      • Overlay  – The ads are small text or image overlays and typically found at the bottom of your video screen.  You can interact with the ads as video content plays.
    • Position  – When the ads to run. For example, in the case of 50%, the ads run after 50% of the video. 
    • Trash can Icon – This icon deletes a Mid-Roll configuration.
  • + Add Post-Roll Ad – Includes a preconfigured ad tag which fetches an ad to play at the end of the feature video.
    • Type  – The ad is following type:
      • Linear  – The ads run in a sequential order together with the video. For example, similar to how TV ads run during a show you're watching.
    • Trash can Icon – This icon deletes a Post-Roll configuration.
  • Name – A short, descriptive identifier for the ad schedule that differentiates it from other ad schedules.

You can edit details for your ad schedule on this page.