About player configurations in Wowza Video

You can configure multiple players in Wowza Video that can then be added to selected live streams and videos for a great player experience for your viewers. A player configuration includes the following:

  • General settings
  • Appearance
  • Plugins

Learn more about the Player Configuration Details page to learn about the specific settings you can configure for a player.

Benefits of using a player configuration

There are several benefits to using player configurations:

  1. Your player will be automatically updated with the most recent version of Flowplayer.
  2. Changes to the configuration are automatically propagated to all published players.
  3. You can view analytics.
  4. You can override the default styling and logic with CSS and JavaScript.

Default player configuration

When you sign into your account for the first time, a default player configuration is created for you. The default player configuration is highlighted with a Default player label in the Players list. The default player is pre-selected when you embed a video or create a live stream.

If you want to customize your default player:

  1. Select the default player from the Players list.
  2. In its player details page, make all of your customizations, then save your changes. Everywhere you've used this player, the changes will propagate.

You can create a new player configuration if you want to have different customizations available for different streaming events. For example, if you want different branding colors for a special event. See Create a player configuration in Wowza Video for more information.

Where to use a player configuration

You can use your player to:

  • Publish a regular video.
  • Publish a live stream.