Create manual or dynamic playlists for your videos to tie groups of videos together so they play continously.
Overview of playlists in Wowza Video
Playlists provide a way to combine several videos into one player. They can be used to group videos into a viewing list that plays in a certain order.
You can include previous and next buttons in your player to switch between videos i...
Create a manual playlist in Wowza Video
For a manual playlist, you choose the videos you want, in the list and the order.
To create a manual playlist:
Click Playlists in the navigation.
Click + Add New in the Playlist list.
Choose Manual . Next, you need to ...
Create a dynamic playlist in Wowza Video
A dynamic playlist is a list of videos determined by a set of rules specified by you. The rules can be filters that select videos based on category , tags , etc. The list is updated automatically as videos change and is affected by the rules.
Share a playlist in Wowza Video
Once you've created a playlist in Wowza Video, you can share it with your audience to keep them engaged and to enhance their viewing experience.
A playlist can be shared using a code snippet to embed the player on your site or through a Wowza V...