Perform administrative tasks for Wowza Streaming Engine.
Start and stop Wowza Streaming Engine Updated
Automatically or manually start and stop Wowza Streaming Engine and Wowza Streaming Engine Manager.
Manage users with the Wowza Streaming Engine CLI password tool
Add, update, and delete users with the Wowza Streaming Engine CLI password tool.
Add a custom property
Learn how to add a custom property in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager or with the Wowza Streaming Engine XML configuration files as a server administrator.
Tune Wowza Streaming Engine for optimal performance
Optimize Java, thread pool, Media Cache, and virtual host performance settings in Wowza Streaming Engine.
Monitor server connections, load, and application statistics in Wowza Streaming Engine
Use Wowza Streaming Engine Manager to monitor server connections, bandwidth, and streaming applications.
Connect to remote Wowza Streaming Engine instances
Connect to a remote (non-localhost) instance of Wowza Streaming Engine from your computer.
Troubleshoot Wowza Streaming Engine installation
Try these troubleshooting techniques if you have installation or startup problems with Wowza Streaming Engine.
Manually install and troubleshoot Java on Wowza Streaming Engine
Install a different version of Java and determine and control which version of Java is being used by Wowza Streaming Engine.
Create a Java heap dump for Wowza Streaming Engine
Create a Java heap dump file to help troubleshoot your Wowza Streaming Engine media server.
Create a Java stack trace for Wowza Streaming Engine
Create a Java stack trace file to help troubleshoot your Wowza Streaming Engine Support ticket.
Troubleshoot Wowza Streaming Engine licensing errors at startup
Try these troubleshooting steps to resolve errors that occur when Wowza Streaming Engine can't connect to the license server.
Configure Wowza Streaming Engine to use a proxy server to communicate with the license server
Configure Wowza Streaming Engine to use a proxy server to communicate with Wowza license server.
Migrate Wowza Streaming Engine to a new server instance
Migrate Wowza Streaming Engine from one server instance to another.
Change the Wowza Streaming Engine Manager bind port
Change the port used by Wowza Streaming Engine Manager.
Enable UDP port sharing in Wowza Streaming Engine
Instruct Wowza Streaming Engine to run in a mode where Datagram (UDP unicast and multicast) ports can be shared between incoming streams.
Run Wowza Streaming Engine as a named user (Linux)
Create a new user and configure Wowza Streaming Engine to run as that new user on Linux.
Modify Wowza Streaming Engine init systems (Linux)
Change the init system services for Wowza Streaming Engine 4.4.0 installations running as a service on Linux.
View or disable the display of the Wowza Streaming Engine version number
Enter a URL into a browser to see the version of Wowza Streaming Engine that's running on the computer, and disable the function if desired.
Use JConsole with Wowza Streaming Engine
Enable the JMX interface for Wowza Streaming Engine and manage it using JConsole.
Use SNMP in Wowza Streaming Engine
Configure and use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) functionality in Wowza Streaming Engine.
Configure date headers for HTTP responses from HTTP providers in Wowza Streaming Engine
Enable and configure date headers for responses from HTTP providers to synchronize across services in Wowza Streaming Engine.
Support XFF headers in HTTP streaming requests to Wowza Streaming Engine
Configure Wowza Streaming Engine to support XFF headers in HTTP streaming requests.
Collect information to debug Wowza Streaming Engine connection count problems
Gather information about the number of connections in a process to help debug Wowza Streaming Engine connection count problems.
Use IPv6 networking with Wowza Streaming Engine
Configure IPv6 networking on Wowza Streaming Engine software.
Prepare Wowza Streaming Engine config and log files for Support tickets
Create compressed zip files to send to Wowza Support for analysis and troubleshooting.
Disable JVM signal-handling for Wowza Streaming Engine
Disable JMV signals that may be preventing Wowza Streaming Engine from functioning.
Uninstall Wowza Streaming Engine
Learn how to uninstall Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software.
Uninstall an instance of Wowza Streaming Engine
More resources
Install and configure Wowza Streaming Engine
Migrate Wowza Streaming Engine to...
Perform a silent installation of Wowza Streaming Engine
Use the silent installation process to install Wowza Streaming Engine without any manual interaction.