XML configuration reference

Reference XML configuration information for Wowza Streaming Engine.


About Wowza Streaming Engine XML configuration
Learn about the most commonly used settings and configuration items in the XML configuration files for Wowza Streaming Engine.
Wowza Streaming Engine Server.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine Server.xml configuration file elements and how they're used to define and set server options.
Wowza Streaming Engine MediaCache.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine MediaCache.xml configuration file elements and how they're used to configure the Media Cache system.
Wowza Streaming Engine Tune.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine Tune.xml configuration file elements and how they're used for fine-tuning of settings for the media server.
Wowza Streaming Engine VHost.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine VHost.xml configuration file elements and how they're used to configure a virtual host (VHost).
Wowza Streaming Engine StartupStreams.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine StartupStreams.xml configuration file elements and how they're used to configure streams to start when a virtual host (VHost) starts.
Wowza Streaming Engine Application.xml configuration reference
Understand the Wowza Streaming Engine Application.xml configuration file elements and how they're used to define the configuration settings for an application.